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- 77 Results (2 Threads, 75 Replies)
- white_tiger replied Oct 18, 2012
i put buy stop yesterday 3140, SL at 3090, both are hit by highest-lowest price in last 12 hours, i'm so precise
- white_tiger replied May 25, 2012
i think price is bouncing between 5680 and 5650, whichever broke first will set the next movement.. image
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- white_tiger replied May 21, 2012
gbp is down but usd is down too, so gbpusd is stuck *gbpchf down, usdchf down, eurusd up.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- white_tiger replied May 21, 2012
au & eu already break low, strange gbpusd movement
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- white_tiger replied May 21, 2012
imo, need to break 1.5780 before continue go down & eurusd must break 1.2750 to support GU
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- white_tiger replied May 28, 2010
hi, i believe FXOpen business operation will continue as normal. Artod, feel free to contact me directly if you need assistance.
Issues with FXOpen
- white_tiger replied Jul 8, 2009
hi, i think it is the limitation of MT4 platform. ECN platform will be good for your trading style, compared of MT4.
FXopen ECN
- white_tiger replied Jul 6, 2009
hello, you can do in this way : image actually MT4 is not designed for ECN so we can't compare MT4 with ecn platform like currenex, etc. Every platform have plus and cons. have a nice pips!
FXopen ECN
- white_tiger replied Jul 6, 2009
hi all, yes, it is true. broco investor is a bridge to fxcm US. check the price, it moves exactly same. most ecn platform doesnt have instant execution like common market maker/dealing desk platform. But you can control the slippage using limit ...
FXopen ECN
- white_tiger replied Dec 28, 2008
hi, i logged into his account using his investor password seems the order are closed fine and his ~65k withdrawal also done by fxopen. see the attachment from his account... seems he also have some troubles with GFT and FXDD ....... what a unlucky ...
Can't take profits out of FX Open
- white_tiger replied Oct 18, 2008
you will get price data from metaquotes (not from your broker) and the price is not accurate for backtesting.
Which MT4 broker has the most amount of backtesting data?
- white_tiger replied Jul 12, 2008
in my opinion, strategy that can only work at some brokers and can't work totally on another broker especially ecn is only exploiting the technical glitch/delay. see Maxey for example, he only trade at unpopular broker like mbcfx.com, fxstarts.ru, ...
Broker took my $2k back
- white_tiger replied Jul 8, 2008
stop loss basicly is a stop order opposite of your opened order... if u buy now, then your stoploss is stop sell and vice versa anyway i think file a complaint is just a wasting time, better search a broker that u think better
Where to file complaints and/or claims against brokers?
- white_tiger replied Jul 7, 2008
hahahaha, i think there is something that said broker can slip your any limit/stop oredr, especially during fast moving market at the agreement while u open account with them... good luck with your complain then...
Where to file complaints and/or claims against brokers?
- white_tiger replied Jul 4, 2008
install mt4 mobile at the pda then login the do like u usually did on pc...
Trading with PDA ....
- white_tiger replied Jul 4, 2008
what is your broker and what platform do u use? but that kind of slippage during nfp is a common thing..
Huge slippage Thursday morning on EURUSD??
- white_tiger replied Jun 20, 2008
how big liquidity do u need? and why must mt4 ? do u use EA ?
MT4 Brokers & Liquidity