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- 65 Results (2 Threads, 63 Replies)
- Ed-Forex replied Apr 2, 2015
It's damn pathetic to read some replying when they don't know what the hell they are talking about!!!!! One want me to attack all brokers to prove others are market makers like scammer hotforex. Another sees no problem in broker like scammer ...
Hotforex STP/ECN claims
- Ed-Forex replied Apr 2, 2015
To Mr. Ignorant LS AND hotforex spammer: Displaying that will open the devil door on scammer hotforex because that will be an official anouncement, implies liquidity providers mentioned, me or any client can sue the scam hotforex for fake claims. ...
Hotforex STP/ECN claims
- Ed-Forex replied Apr 2, 2015
The SCAM HOTFOREX running fake advertisements after hotforex breached the contract of trading account and HOTFOREX STOLE tens of thousands dollars from me. If FSA Mauritius and CySec have the least honor and credibility, it must stop scammer ...
Bonus issues with my broker
- Ed-Forex replied Apr 2, 2015
HAHAHA Nice Try to distinct yourself from the SCAM hotforex. All readers know how you defended hotforex, posting words very typical to spammers about being satisfied, easy withdrawals, no problems blah blah blah I do not care about your opinion if ...
Hotforex STP/ECN claims
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 30, 2015
ForexFactory admin changing my thread topic(hotforex breach of contract) will never change the FACT that hotforex scammed me tens of thousands of dollars after breaching the contract signed. This ForexFactory admin action shows LACK OF CREDIBILITY ...
Bonus issues with my broker
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 30, 2015
1-2 post member joined scammer hotforex paid spammers list. The hotforex scandal in using FF accounts that never posted other than defending it now on my thread. Obviously hotforex is a big scammer even on forums and advertisements too, prepared ...
Hotforex STP/ECN claims
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 26, 2015
Your case is not clear! Are you asking for money from the broker or is it the opposite way?! Who's the complainant who's the defendant?! My advice was according to the subject of broker after negative balances so you must be the defendant, in that ...
Brokers chasing you for negative account balance
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 26, 2015
SURE. The problem is the court and regulator involved!!! When a regulator as FSA Mauritius don't bother to reply to an official complaint filed against scammer hotforex, what will you expect more?? A Mauritius court judging in a client favor against ...
Bonus issues with my broker
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 26, 2015
From the legal point of view, scammer hotforex can't claim in advertisements on many websites using my scammed money that they offer ECN/STP service when in FACT hotforex offer market maker service because that is named false cheat advertisement ...
Hotforex STP/ECN claims
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 26, 2015
What does their terms and conditions say? What clauses in it they based on? All Scam brokers or at least the ones running away of responsibility and putting blame on clients use same words of "we work according to the rules, no fake spikes it's ...
Brokers chasing you for negative account balance
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 26, 2015
The Tier 1 liquidity providers are well known, not hidden, some 17 banks, who tells you that they get special prices and cant reveal LPs names like scammer hotforex claim are BIG LIARS, they sure have a dealing desk and plugin software, worse than ...
Brokers chasing you for negative account balance
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 25, 2015
Guys, ask the scam brokers running after clients negative balances, why don't they go sue the liquidity providers(17 big banks) instead of clients!?! when they claim there was no liquidity!!! And the ones that are market makers, tell them to piss ...
Brokers chasing you for negative account balance
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 25, 2015
To be honest, I respect any other person on the street and never the scam brokers asking for money to cover negative balances, worse are the others proudly advertising that they covered negative balances from their own money as the market maker ...
Brokers chasing you for negative account balance
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 25, 2015
According to FACT: Ironfx not pure ECN/STP, it has market maker service in all accounts types except one account type under the name ECN/STP, not sure if that's pure ECN/STP or ironfx mix prices, but at least ironfx have liquidity providers( url ), ...
IRONFX - true ECN?
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 25, 2015
Scammer hotforex could had paid my money like pussycats from long ago if the regulator was NFA, CFTC, SEC or FCA but ofcourse such regulators would not give license for the bucketshop hotforex, hotforex get license from the likes of FSA Mauritius!!! ...
Bonus issues with my broker
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 25, 2015
Will this solve your doubts!!!!: Bonus Awarded Statement image image image image Bonus Awarded Statement Actions....... image [email protected] Add...... to..... contacts 3/22/2015 image To: [email protected] image From: ...
Bonus issues with my broker
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 25, 2015
Not Necessary. Not all brokers who offer bonuses are bucketshops like scammer hotforex and regulated by bucketshops too!!!! There are many respectful brokers who offer bonuses and strictly apply their policies, not breach the contract!
Bonus issues with my broker
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 24, 2015
Ofcourse not when the broker announces that it's a market maker. Oanda is a market maker but many approve or agree that it's one of the best brokers in the world, not to forget it's regulated by the NFA and CFTC in the US, FCA in UK, ASIC in ...
HotForex Discussion
- Ed-Forex replied Mar 24, 2015
To forexfactory and its admin: STOP CHANGING THIS THREAD SUBJECT, YOUR ACTION SHOUTS LACK OF CREDIBILITY BY FOREXFACTORY! My thread subject name is "hotforex breach contract" This is hotforex bonus policy: The maximum amount that can be awarded in ...
Bonus issues with my broker