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- 5 Results
- MarkJLunder replied Aug 28, 2017
as it was said - "if it looks too good to be true, it probably isn't as good or ture"
False Prophets
- MarkJLunder replied Aug 28, 2017
haha no way , I'm trading Forex for a few months- all gamble free!
I want a good regulated binary options broker
- MarkJLunder replied Aug 23, 2017
I've yet to find a good BO broker. honestly, I've tried because it looked much easier than trading Forex. however after two "regulated companies" and $600 less, I've really lost most of my hope for binary options.
I want a good regulated binary options broker
- MarkJLunder replied Aug 23, 2017
I think stop loss is mandatory for success. not using it is like not using the breaks while driving a car.
Trading without stop loss
- MarkJLunder replied Aug 23, 2017
haha it really varies. when it's a relaxed and calculated session ( for a logn term for example) I'll go with johnny cash or some duke Ellington. If it's an intense session I'll try to pump myself using some Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Slayer or ...
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- Posts by Trader Search: 'MarkJLunder'