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- Borg commented May 7, 2017
Marine Le Pen wins the election and becomes president of France. That is my prediction. The day of the US election Nov. 8, 2016 the New York Times said Hillary Clinton had a 95% chance of winning. So much for polls. I believe the people of France ...
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 7, 2017
Not those darn Russians again ? No hard evidence of Russian hacking to help Donald Trump either. And this breaking last minute news is just in time to hurt Le Pen some more. Macron the globalist puppet has zero credibility. The only news the French ...
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 7, 2017
Cliff is wrong. He simply repeats the msm propaganda as if he has unraveled some grand plot by ISIS that he can only hint at. His pretentious rhetoric suggests a lot but is ultimately empty of substance. He says “Le Pens election is a prime ...
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 7, 2017
Yes both are tough on terrorism. But you are saying Le Pen is even tougher on terrorism than Trump which is good. An honest complement for Le Pen from cliffedwards.
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 4, 2017
Your “Reichstag Fire redux” reference is complete nonsense. The French msm thought police are playing the French people like a fiddle and you fell for it. Islamic terrorists attacks have killed more than 230 people in France in just over two years. ...
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 4, 2017
Did the voices in your head tell you this ? Or did another of your special insider sources in ISIS tweet you this ? The msm in the US claims that the Russians got Trump elected. Now we have some one here claiming ISIS wants to get Le Pen elected. ...
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 4, 2017
I like your style too smikester. But Macron is the "High Priest of Fear". Macron said Le Pen will lead France to civil war which is far worse than simply controlling France's borders and being strict on terrorism which is what Le Pen wants to do. ...
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 4, 2017
National sovereignty is the only issue that mattered in this debate. Le Pen "painted the former former Rothschild investment banker as a lackey of big business who is soft on Islamic extremism." And the best Emmanuel Macron could do was try and to ...
Le Pen and Macron clash in no holds-barred debate in France
- Borg commented May 3, 2017
Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission president penchant for lying tells reminds me of Hitler's honesty when dealing with other countries.
UK Davis: No Brexit Bill To Pay If UK Walk Away – BB Radio 4
- Borg commented May 3, 2017
The size of an economy is not necessarily a good indication of its health when so much of it is built on debt. Size matters only up to a point. The EU countries, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Belgium all have national debt in excess of ...
Theresa May rejects Brussels's hardline Brexit demands
- Borg commented May 2, 2017
The EU's perception of reality is what is distorted. If remaining a member of this failed attempt at world government was so wonderful then why is Britain leaving ? Why is Marine Le Pen the anti-EU candidate going to be the next French president and ...
Theresa May rejects Brussels's hardline Brexit demands
- Borg commented May 1, 2017
The British exit issue is quite simple. The supposed benefits of Britain staying in the EU are out weighed by the disadvantages. If you would like to enlighten me further since you claim to be well informed then please do. I am willing to listen. ...
Theresa May rejects Brussels's hardline Brexit demands
- Borg commented May 1, 2017
See my reply to smikester.
Theresa May rejects Brussels's hardline Brexit demands
- Borg commented May 1, 2017
The UK doesn't need the EU to prosper. It's the other way around. All 27 countries “telling the UK there is no trade deal unless you accept our terms” is not realistic if there is a benefit in trading for both parties. Free trade happens when both ...
Theresa May rejects Brussels's hardline Brexit demands
- Borg commented May 1, 2017
This means go long GBP. The EURO is doomed The EU globalist puppets want Britain to pay a “Brexit bill” of around £50 billion before a future trade deal is discussed. Theresa May says up yours and that's the end of that. Article 50 of the Treaty on ...
Theresa May rejects Brussels's hardline Brexit demands
- Borg commented Apr 30, 2017
May 7, 2017 Sunday, France will have the election for Jean-Marie Le Pen the patriot versus the globalist puppet Emmanuel Macron. So any EURO positions at that time are not recommended. Exit all of those positions by May 5 Friday at the latest and ...
Le Pen Has Potential Prime Minister, No Rush on Euro Exit
- Borg commented Apr 30, 2017
alexandru987 you are right about “playing nice or they take their ball and go home leaving you with just tough talk and no real accomplishment. ” But protectionism and nationalism are not necessarily the same thing. Donald Trump's protectionism ...
Le Pen Has Potential Prime Minister, No Rush on Euro Exit
- Borg commented Apr 29, 2017
Marine Le Pen the patriot versus Macron the EU globalist puppet and a former Rothschild investment banker, What an easy choice. France first or the globalist central banks first. Exit the EU and take back your country France. The sooner the EU falls ...
Le Pen Has Potential Prime Minister, No Rush on Euro Exit
- Borg commented Apr 24, 2017
After Marine Le Pen beats the globalist puppet Emmanuel Macron the Euro will do a nose dive. So look out below. Emmanuel Macron is France's Hillary Clinton except for the murderous part. He is owned body and soul by the globalists. Macron a former ...
Euro jumps to 5½-month high after exit polls show Macron and Le Pen in French election runoff
- Borg commented Apr 4, 2017
North Korea's mad dog leader Kim Jong-Un, aka "crazy fat kid", only responds to a big stick over his head threatening to knock him down. Better to put him down now before he reaches nuclear parity and puts the US down with a preemptive strike for ...
Trump To Tell Xi: “If China Is Not Going To Solve North Korea, We Will"