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- 19 Results
- trader7757 replied Apr 20, 2016
To begin with, the New York Stock Exchange is not a zero-sum game as mentioned in post #4. Back when there were pits, the specialist in the pit can issue all the stock people want to buy, regardless of what people are overall. (ie, the market is ...
Is Forex a ZERO Sum game?
- trader7757 replied Feb 28, 2016
haha...I don't recall ever saying that I don't trade for myself. I am my favorite client. That being said, why can't I trade others peoples money and trade for an institution, too?
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Feb 27, 2016
How easy would it be to front run any move of size; better yet, get a nice group of fellas in your position and collude to move the price to positions where you/bank can profit. Even on the highly regulated NYSE, you often see a couple of major ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Feb 27, 2016
I stop in this thread from time to time to share what I can from the US stock and futures sides of institutional trading. First and foremost, you will learn to trade if you trade at an Investment Bank, you will learn a fairly sophisticated yet ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Nov 20, 2015
Bookmap is just one of a plethora of new order flow programs that are emerging in derivatives market trading . I like another order flow program much better, but this offering offers some unique viewpoints into how orders and price action mechanisms ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Nov 19, 2015
I understand what you are saying...but I will stick with my original statement. Don't trade against the trend.
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Nov 18, 2015
Hi skenobi, Nice to see you are handling all the questions today. That being said, I do not trade Forex as I am a long time institutional NYSE and CME trader. I currently work on a contract basis for one of the big 3 Investment Banks and have my own ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Aug 26, 2015
Traders listen to the company analyst? Blasphemy!! The only thing worse than an analyst is an Investment Banker, or accountant, or auditor. (and in some cases, a trading group leader) Most institutional traders are reasonably advanced in their ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Jan 19, 2015
This problem points to the absolute necessity of establishing a centralized forex exchange similar to NYSE or CME. I can only speak for the US, but your losses regardless of the cause have to be covered in T3. (trade + 3 days) Most brokerages will ...
Brokers chasing you for negative account balance
- trader7757 replied Jan 11, 2015
I have spent most of my life trading in the institutional setting, and have spent hundreds of hours chatting with quants. There are several problems solving the system you propose. Efficient Market Theory specifically rules out specific predictions ...
Assessing the Profitability of All Possible Trading Strategies
- trader7757 replied Dec 26, 2014
This is one of the charts I use to calculate reversion to the mean. It may seem a bit cluttered. but I am not a big fan of simpler is better. I like a lot of information and through experience seem to be able to assimilate it. In my trading world, ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Dec 26, 2014
image This is the order flow platform that I use. The first column on the right shows the traders hitting the big and the ask. Obviously, if more traders are hitting the ask the price will be moving up and visa versa. The prices with the highest ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Dec 24, 2014
Merry Christmas to all! How you doing Skenobi? I've been on the Nymex CL contract for the past three months, after not trading it all for nearly a year. What a great run. I am a long time (I retired at age 50) institutional trader and an infrequent ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Dec 15, 2014
Stevie Ray Vaughn and Double Trouble, "Pride and Joy" turned up to deafening levels. Oh yea....
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- trader7757 replied Jun 19, 2014
As I mentioned in an earlier post, most of the brokers on LaSalle Street are pretty reputable. (ie-Amp Futures, Infinity Futures, Apex Futures and a host of others) Most day trading margins are $400-500/contract with most beginning balances around ...
Trading is as simple as ABCD
- trader7757 replied Jun 19, 2014
1. I don't trade 1 min charts as they are far to noisy for me to get a clear view of market sentiment. Can't help you on that point. For that matter, I don't trade any timed charts. I am interested only in price action. What does time have to do ...
Trading is as simple as ABCD
- trader7757 replied Jun 18, 2014
Just thought I would throw a little info your way. I am a retired institutional trader, got to get out of the rat race earlier than most, at age 50. You might want to refine your AB=CD trading some by filtering out some of of the patterns I see you ...
Trading is as simple as ABCD
- trader7757 replied Jun 17, 2014
Following the repeal of Glass-Steagal Act in 1999, Investment Banks were allowed in mortgage acquisition, bundling, and sales. With this in mind, it is important to realize that Wall Street is geared to make money, not evaluate risk. So, the risk ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- trader7757 replied Jun 17, 2014
I have read this forum for several years and this is my first post. I am retired from a firm, whose name I won't mention, but they were the largest IB to ever go bankrupt. I was on the floor/trading room for nearly 28 years. Of course, I worked ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
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