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- KGP replied Jun 8, 2017
for the time i didnt have more than 5 pip (which was on the first minute) (less than a pip now as we talk) anyway so far its very nice indeed... lets see whats "cooking"... dont forget we are talking based merely on opinion polls...
- KGP replied Jun 8, 2017
2-5 pip spread is "nothing" vs getting "advantage" an opportunity (as it seems) of a such event HOWEVER said that be aware its exit polls (more or less an opinion poll)... AND WHAT i am watching closely is the "REAL" (not exit polls etc) of Scotland ...
- KGP replied May 20, 2017
did you have time to look into it...i know you have little time considering the requests i am seeing... in case you need any assistance or clarifications let me know...
Free EA/Indi/Script Programming Service with Code Provided
- KGP replied May 12, 2017
very interesting (not to mention useful) view! usdjpy lately though is somewhat on "stand aside" mode until everything the picture gets more clear
Spider's Den
- KGP replied Apr 18, 2017
hello is it possible to have something like this (this is manual) url where on each price gap between two candles (irrespective of TF) to have a "sign" or line (if possible different for each different TF) also when hovered on the appropriate ...
Free EA/Indi/Script Programming Service with Code Provided
- KGP replied Apr 7, 2017
noone is looking at the jobs number...its all about wages long time now... the low number just "bothered" the algos... but the wages revision stands out and is counting as we speak...
- KGP replied Oct 8, 2016
well its the opposite ... RBA is in NO pressure to lower their interest rates BUT they are talking down their currency whenever they get the chance... the same (more or less) is with the RBNZ but in their case they have a "traffic light" system ...
The Really Useless Thread
- KGP replied Oct 5, 2016
where is he...i enjoyed watching his rockets "waiting" to take off (all the time lol)...
The Really Useless Thread
- KGP replied Oct 4, 2016
well NFPs cannot be "extra" positive for ever...sometime soon they will start to deteriorate...no? how many "fast food chains" (or courier/package delivery jobs as we are heading to xmas ) are there for all the people there to get...jobs... ...
The Really Useless Thread
- KGP replied Oct 2, 2016
well right now none of the ones mentioned... i dont want to choose amongs the worst looking ones which one looks better... (is like choosing for a girlfriend.. ) i am testing the limits of the strategy + also want to see what goes on with each pair ...
Q A M Trading Strategy
- KGP replied Oct 2, 2016
yes indeed 9 pairs/0.03 lots (all orders no matter what) on a 250eur account....demo (and still havent found a way to withdraw...any assistance welcomed hahaha) now another setup with 7 pairs is running as well with Q40 same setup as the other but ...
Q A M Trading Strategy
- KGP replied Oct 2, 2016
the pairs traded are in the following screenshot url the leverage is 1:400 and with a starting balance of 250 its currently at 342.52 with a DD of almost 50% within 4 days it runs 22/5 and amazingly it managed to be with no trades carried out ...
Q A M Trading Strategy
- KGP replied Sep 29, 2016
mastermind do you have preferred "Q" levels for each pair on different TFs (M5/M15/M30)? i am strangling to find something that works across on all of them...so far i am using Q250 and using it on 9 pairs 22/5 (although on demo...in a real account i ...
Q A M Trading Strategy
- KGP replied Sep 27, 2016
whenever i turn off the auto trading...i get blasted with the "alert" that my broker doesnt allow me to use EAs is it possible to turn this feature entirely off?
Quantum London Trading Custom EA
- KGP replied Sep 21, 2016
i love how decisive the FED is... now that i think it over... its not only the FED.... hope RBNZ dont continue where BoJ start it and FED left it
The Really Useless Thread
- KGP replied Sep 15, 2016
i know but i am already short so i just want to close it around there...i was taken by surprise during the no liquidity hrs and messed my plans
The Swamp