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- mitch77 replied Aug 14, 2016
It isn't just a ban on brokers in Belgium. It means that if you live in Belgium, you cannot trade forex anymore with any broker from Belgium or anywhere else in the EU.
Breaking News: Belgium bans all leveraged Forex, CFDs
- mitch77 commented Aug 4, 2016
Same place as where all the other brokers customers yachts are!
FXCM’s retail trading volumes rise steadily, coming in at $281 billion in July
- mitch77 commented Jul 28, 2016
Its free with Oanda. You don't have the social interaction through the Oanda version but it still is the same charting software. You can also place trades from the charts. I think FXCM also has this feature currently in Beta test.
OANDA Named World’s Best Retail FX Platform
- mitch77 commented Jul 28, 2016
MT4, I doubt they got an award for something that's been around for 15 odd years lol Maybe try one of their other platforms like TradingView. All the real traders use it ;-)
OANDA Named World’s Best Retail FX Platform
- mitch77 replied Jul 19, 2016
Could you not just look at the FXCM charts on TradingView?
FXCM Discussion
- mitch77 replied Jul 19, 2016
As always Forexia good info from you in the brokers forum but....MBTrading was bought by TradeKing recently which in turn is a IB for Gain Capital which is a MM.
First time with real money and I need help to choose between 3
- mitch77 replied Jul 14, 2016
Almost as funny as traders that open accounts with offshore bucketshops with $500, thinking that it is an ECN broker because they have it splashed all over their website.
OANDA Discussion
- mitch77 replied Jul 13, 2016
Use the TradingView charts that they now have available. Best charting software for free by far.
OANDA Discussion
- mitch77 replied Jun 13, 2016
MT4 doesn't support nano lots so as far as I am aware. So the only broker I know of is Oanda.
Nano Lots broker needed
- mitch77 replied Jun 5, 2016
As far as I am aware your only options are Interactive Brokerage, FXCM, Oanda and Forex.com. Since you come from the US.
Scalper back at it after break...
- mitch77 replied Jun 1, 2016
Is it perhaps your demo account you have connected in Trader Explorer? Probably not a top priority to make sure it's up and running 24/7 to most brokers!
Pepperstone Edge3 server
- mitch77 commented Jun 1, 2016
Probably feel guilty about there fake million dollar comp!
AxiTrader cuts spreads, waives payment fees
- mitch77 replied May 29, 2016
Funny joke :-)10-20pip stop and tp profit 7-15pips. Nothing like negative risk to reward to ruin an account.
Need US broker for a large account
- mitch77 replied May 25, 2016
If this is going to affect FXCM and Gain, then wouldn't their share prices have plunged? Which they have not. 80% of their business surely must be US based!
SEC bans Broker-Dealers from retail forex transactions
- mitch77 replied May 22, 2016
No doubt there will be away around this ie operate a subsidiary company that take the other side of your trades; which some do now if I am not mistaken.Edit: I see that they already mention that's what some brokers do now. Don't see how it will ...
Finally Casino Brokers are going to be Out!!!
- mitch77 replied May 20, 2016
The only simulator that I know of for manual back testing is Forex Tester 2. It costs about $200.
MT4 Trading Simulator?