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- A Five Year Retirement PlanStarted Apr 17, 2022|Trading Journals|0 replies
A large majority of threads and TE's are for people who like to day trade and that is ...
- magnumfreak replied Sep 23, 2020
Yes, I forgot to mention that it is a 5 min chart. I see a bunch of people get all worked up about how other people are trading. I know, I used to be one of them. The reality is that it just doesn't matter. 20 second, 1 minute, 1 hour whatever. The ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 23, 2020
Sorry that you are having difficulty dividing by 4. Whether it is stated in ticks or points doesn't matter. You are majoring in the minors. Have a nice day.
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 23, 2020
Been taking care of stuff outside of trading since Friday so no trades up until this afternoon. Caught a small win for +36. Then caught a whopper of a trade for +525!! Trying to put together something that will show what I am doing. I am not much of ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 17, 2020
A couple of things I have noticed: 1. Seems like most of the news events are already priced in. I get hung up on news. Oh, I can't take this trade because blah blah blah news is coming out. Looking back doing some back testing, you can't really tell ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 17, 2020
Couldn't sleep so I got up early and took a trade. Ended it with +241 ticks. I entered the trade off of the 1 min chart but managed it on the 5 min. pic below is from 5 min chart. image
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 16, 2020
With the pending interest rate release I took only one trade today. It was a good one though. +201 ticks. Technically should still be in it but markets are a bit jittery. Took it on the 1 minute chart since nothing was even close to setting up on ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 15, 2020
LOL! Was just about to post. No trades on Monday, just didn't feel good. One trade today for +53 ticks off of the 5 min chart. image
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 11, 2020
Three trades today all on the 5 min chart. Seems weird trading the 5 min in all of this volatility but it works nicely. Last day of sim trading. Trade 1: -14 ticks. Would have been a good trade had I followed the rule I set where no stops can be ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 10, 2020
Don't forget this is rollover time. Should still be normal volume on the current contract on Friday. Monday I expect it to start swinging over to the new contract. Still trading sim right now. Interesting day. Even with the volatility I stuck to the ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 9, 2020
Still trading sim especially during US session. Seeing weird price movements like earlier this year. Trade Cautiously. Took 3 trades in sim for a total of +77 ticks on 20 second chart. Sim can make you brave in crazy market conditions. LOL! I will ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 8, 2020
Staying in sim during this madness. Thank goodness for sim or I wouldn't have anything to trade in my personal account. LOL! Really surprised AMP hasn't jacked up margin requirements. Edit: I am also seriously considering trading the other sessions ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 8, 2020
Be careful if you are trading anything pre-market. Limit down is showing 11046.00 that's only about 100 points from here. image
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 4, 2020
Took a nice sim trade a little while ago. I was amazed at how much P/L swung even with one micro. I doubt I would have been able to hold onto it if it was live, especially on that third candle when it dove hard in the wrong direction. Saw it swing ...
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 4, 2020
Watch for 10959.25 which is the 7% down limit for today. Just playing in sim today. Not worth the risk.
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 3, 2020
In case anyone is wondering.... First limit down isn't until 11552.50
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 3, 2020
Yup. Just during the US session. I show just over 1400. Insane. It is almost 2200 for the day.
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- magnumfreak replied Sep 3, 2020
Wider than usual spreads as well, even outside of news events. Big volume as well.
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- magnumfreak replied Aug 31, 2020
Wanna know something that will drive you nuts???? LOL! A single contract long opened on March 23rd would have made you over 100k! Anyway. +20 on the day. I have about 3 days left on the LeeLoo express trial but I am way behind on profit. I am ...
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