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- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 10, 2012
@jumpjack Banc de binary, bbinary.com, in their Meta platform. 24option.com Nadex.com There are more offering early close but I would not recommend them.
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied Jun 5, 2011
I logged in just a few minutes ago and it was working, had not logged in though for a week or so though before that.
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied May 28, 2011
To each his own, I have done far better in binaries than I did in spot, for me it is much easier to solely have to determine direction rather than figuring SL and TP levels and not get spiked out. Binaries can be "worked" also to some degree to ...
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied May 28, 2011
Are you by chance the beehivesjoe from BOD??
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied May 16, 2011
That's interesting, they have not kicked me out yet over there at FX Open so I still use them when I am at home. I trade mostly from my phone and on it I use a program called Trade Interceptor and I think the prices on it are even closer, they have ...
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied May 4, 2011
It would take some serious stones to do this for one. Just when you got to say $10000 (which you would not be able to put on one trade anyways, it's too large), are you ready to plop that whole thing down on one trade? 100% risk per trade will lead ...
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 17, 2011
I almost always do the full hour trades, hardly ever the shorter term ones and on those you don't usually see a spread for the first half hour. Also as you mentioned before, you saw the spread bounce far from one side to far on the other, so if you ...
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 15, 2011
Yes if you go to my trades while you have them open you will see the correct underlying but it updates slowly on that page. The expiry will be right on spot, but it may slightly one way or the other depending on which broker you are using to check ...
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 14, 2011
Awesome, you are still on demo correct? Do you notice a spread on those very short term trades you have there, the under half hour ones? I know on the live account as the time gets closer to expiry spreads start to show up sometimes, just wondering ...
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 13, 2011
Don't you love that? Just another note about OB, they close the trades a few seconds (less than a minute) before the brokers I use to watch the price do. It does not affect it much, I have made hundreds of OB trades and it has only happened twice ...
Why Binary Forex Options are better than Spot Forex
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 12, 2011
Yes I am familiar some with Cherrycoke's success, I have not really heard about her system too much but I will say that a lot of it is just my vibe. I have thought about offering just some free signals before and I actually already have an EA that ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 12, 2011
I don't think you have to contact them for the demo but it is only good for 24 hours so be ready
Nadex Forex Bull SpreadsI used the extend in the past but I don't ever use it anymore, I never had any luck with it leading to a profitable trade but that's just me. If I ...
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 11, 2011
Occasionally if trades are stacked in one direction for an instrument you may see a spread. I.E. if the real market price is say 1.4000 but everyone is long on it the price they offer it for may be 1.4005 or so, 5 pips or so seems to be the maximum. ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 11, 2011
I would need a whole new thread to describe my entire strategy and it is loosely based, lots of factors go into deciding whether to make a trade, all I can really say is time is your biggest ally, I've been trading every day for almost 2 1/2 years ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 8, 2011
Just a 7 and 14 smoothed. That's it for indicators that I use, other than those my chart is bare. I primarily trade hourly patterns, though I do use the MA's for additional confirmation and sometimes solely if none of my patterns are showing up and ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 8, 2011
Yes, you actually have to be right 56% of the time for break even. There are also certain techniques you can use to make awesome R/R on OB or AO. Example, say you place a put order at 1.4400 on EUR. Then it moves to 1.4380 and you now think it will ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Apr 7, 2011
Yes the offshore deal is scary but I've had good luck with OptionBit and AnyOption, I have made withdrawals and am up over 1000% over my initial investment since February. My only advice would be to withdraw, withdraw, withdraw, just in case. I only ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Jan 7, 2011
Yes the price will time decay back to reality and at expiry it will also be back at the full floor/ceiling so this type of situation is only beneficial if you are convinced your position is done and want to get out without losing as much as you ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Jan 7, 2011
That will happen near the ceiling/floors for sure. I will try to give you an example of how that is a good and bad thing, it just depends on what trade you are in. I looked at one of the two hour bulls at about 9:00 A.M ET and this is how it was ...
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads
- JohnnyGURU replied Jan 7, 2011
On which one? is the price on that contract way beyond the ceiling/floor?
Nadex Forex Bull Spreads