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- Duffgen commented May 15, 2013
How many of the countries in Europe, that were amalgamated during the twentieth century, are still joined in those unions? Yugoslavia? No, that was dismantled into Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Slovenia, and Serbia. ...
UK exit from EU may really happen
- Duffgen commented Apr 3, 2013
To be a politician, Socialist or capitalist, you have to be both a liar and a thief.
Another European Politican Exposed As Complete Liar
- Duffgen commented Mar 19, 2013
"We'll loan you some cash, but unfairly tax your savers, too.." As if the eurocrats could come up with anything more likely to bring the banking industry to its knees. Why would anybody want to leave money with a bank that would, at the behest of a ...
Cyprus parliament ready to veto deposit tax
- Duffgen commented Nov 26, 2012
The insanity will continue until the supply of gasoline runs out... Then they will find an alternative fuel to keep the nonsense hobbling along. There is too much "face" to be lost for any sensible approach to the disaster that is the €uro, being ...
Spain Sept. Mortgages For Housing Fall 32.2% Vs Year
- Duffgen commented Nov 7, 2012
"Technically, the euro area will avert a recession....." You couldn't make it up!
EU Cuts 2013 Growth Forecast as Crisis Weighs on Germany
- Duffgen commented Oct 1, 2012
We are all seeing in glorious detail, how the Grand Socialist Experiment is coming apart at the seams. How many decades will then have to be spent rebuilding from the devastation that will occur? It won't bother those who foisted it upon the ...
Another domino falls as Hollande pushes France into depression
- Duffgen commented Sep 28, 2012
A prerequisite to becoming a politician, is that you are deaf.
Spain must leave the euro
- Duffgen commented Sep 28, 2012
Precisely. Once they have booked their profit, the currency will revert to a more sensible level within the basket.
Spain must leave the euro
- Duffgen commented Sep 27, 2012
Jonahky, how could you be so negative? No you have it all wrong, €uro-land is alive, and prosperous! We're coming yet again to the end of another year of success stories! Will the accounts be signed-off in Bruxelles? Probably not. Success stories? ...
Spanish Bank Deposits Hit Lowest Level Since April 2008
- Duffgen commented Sep 13, 2012
Mee-oww, Scotch... Have some milk (c: I do agree with your sentiments, though!!
Spain Calls Europe's Bluff as Crisis Eases
- Duffgen commented Sep 13, 2012
An articulate piece of reporting. A shame you didn't bother to read it fully.
The euro's demise may be the final chapter of the ERM debacle
- Duffgen commented Sep 12, 2012
Probably best he doesn't give up his day job for the Comedy Club
EU’s Barroso: Greece can be saved…
- Duffgen commented Jun 13, 2012
I think you will find that the article appeared in Der Spiegel, which is a German newspaper. Had there been more self-criticism from other members of this diaster-waiting-to-happen, we may well not have been quite up to our armpits in the proverbial ...
This Time, Europe Really Is on the Brink
- Duffgen commented Feb 9, 2012
The €uro is artificially high against everything. The €urozone is hobbling along pretending there's no problem with the €-zone. Let's just suppose, for a minute, that the Greeks DO get bailed out, and everything is luvvy-duvvy, will the €uro then ...
EUR/USD 1.3300 barrier history
- Duffgen commented Nov 1, 2011
Stavros will never agree to the terms of the bailout, meaning Luigi and Miguel will be the next in line. How long before the €uro-farce is finally buried?
Greek PM calls emergency cabinet meeting at 1600GMT according to a government official
- Duffgen commented Oct 25, 2011
So now the Markets can have Total Confidence in the fact that the stupid fools who have been placed in charge of the EU economies really have No Idea what to do...
EU Finance Ministers Meeting Tomorrow Cancelled
- Duffgen commented Sep 28, 2011
So how does the Mr Barroso and the might EU propose levying the tax in Russia? After all, EUROPE extends some two thousand miles EAST of Moscow. It is a geographic area, not a political one. If a politician is going to announce something, perhaps he ...
EU plans global financial-transaction tax: report
- Duffgen commented Sep 15, 2011
It would be nice if, prior to yet MORE integration of the EU, were the EU's annual accounts to be signed off, proving, if nothing else, that those in office there can at least keep their OWN finances in order. Let them loose on a multi-trillion £$€ ...
Are euro zone bonds the new subprime?
- Posts by Trader Search: 'Duffgen'