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- VonTrader replied Oct 24, 2010
Don't worry, I fully understand it, no need to teach me, but the point is that what I said is not "completely inaccurate". And that particular quote part which you selected, I was talking about (REAL leverage). And also you are pretty "completely ...
OANDA Discussion
- VonTrader replied Oct 23, 2010
If Oanda didn't take advantage of the fact that their clients account receive interest on deposits, here is one theory which I think that explain why they have better results. In generally speaking, what a newbie(unprofitable "trader") want? BIG ...
OANDA Discussion
- VonTrader replied Oct 22, 2010
yes, it is a great quote. thanks. and yes, you are right, this is another problem that people tend to make so often. They saw that they made some profits and say "it's enough, i will close everything " There is a nice thing in the market called "fat ...
$1000 to $1,000,000,000 in 4 years
- VonTrader replied Oct 22, 2010
isn't 1000 hours, too little? 15 000+ I think is more appropriate, here is when the transition towards those who "can" accelerated a lot. Or maybe I was too slow?... hehe. Anyway, this was in my case. (maybe I'm a little bit off with the math, but I ...
Advice I wish I had as a complete forex newbie
- VonTrader replied Oct 22, 2010
Yes, but in real life you can't get that consistence rate of return. The problem in this type of hypothetical calculation is that, it doesn't pay attention to an important aspect: "distribution of the returns".
$1000 to $1,000,000,000 in 4 years
- VonTrader replied Oct 21, 2010
I can't believe how many zero's I saw in the title. lol
$1000 to $1,000,000,000 in 4 years
- VonTrader replied Sep 8, 2010
If you find yourself into a hole, stop digging. I see that you are member here since 2005. After 5 years you are still at this level of experience? I hope that you registered on 2005 and forget about trading, you didn't studied the markets and in ...
James16 is not credible
- VonTrader replied Sep 8, 2010
Yes, you are right. But their quantitative models don't use a silly pinbar pattern. And they also feed their models with other non-price-chart factors. Those who don't, bleed money and this assets class "survive" on the long term with the "help" of ...
James16 is not credible
- VonTrader replied Sep 8, 2010
Yes, I suppose you chosed the 1st. Thank you. That requirement is about hedging on the forward market for their contracts? If yes, then you are right. On what type of "plain old speculation" are you referring ? My friend, I'm not going to enter in ...
James16 is not credible
- VonTrader replied Sep 8, 2010
YES, and actually to trade is not free (add the spread and commission) so this mean that the pinbars strategy have ratio worst than 50-50, it is enough to be 49(winning) to 51(losing) (to simplify, let's say the risk reward is set to 1:1), and in ...
James16 is not credible
- VonTrader replied Sep 8, 2010
Sure, price is most of the time random. So the strategy is from the begining useless. The price is AFFECTED by fundamentals and NOT by a silly pin bar pattern. Plese read this and tell me which is correct: 1. market prices fluctuate because a silly ...
James16 is not credible
- VonTrader replied Sep 8, 2010
haha — I just read a little bit about the "strategy" which this james16 developed. For the sake of people who are at the begin in their trading career I have to say just two words: STAY AWAY! Go to a Hedge Fund/CTA/CPO/trading division at a ...
James16 is not credible
- VonTrader replied Sep 7, 2010
Hello How did people get scamed by jako? They sent the money straight into a bank account? (wire transfer) ? To be honest, I don't really like this type of "business" scams and wharever you name it, because if more incidents like this happen, who ...
Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain
- VonTrader replied Jun 4, 2010
As I said, I'm not going to convince anyone. Just a quick note: the stress won't be to much of a problem when you have more experience, because you will have a finished trading plan, and because you built your business plan(it takes a few years) the ...
Who are the top best Forex traders in world??
- VonTrader replied Jun 3, 2010
Sure Sir. Start with only 10 mil and in 3 years and a few months, you will be the richest man in the world. (over 75 billions.) It is still doable?
Hiring Traders
- VonTrader replied Jun 3, 2010
I'm not going to convince you what is all about with trading OPM. You will learn it as the time pass(a "few" years). Let's just say that a good manager don't give a ... about that stress because he is a professional! And furthermore it is MUCH much ...
Who are the top best Forex traders in world??
- VonTrader replied Jun 3, 2010
25% per month? please review your number. Per year should be more appropriate.
Hiring Traders
- VonTrader replied Jun 3, 2010
The best traders are those who don't like publicity. They have huge amounts of funds under mngmt from a few investors and they like to be quiet. Also the best traders are very good philosophers and... philosophers have a very different mentality. ...
Who are the top best Forex traders in world??
- VonTrader replied Apr 13, 2010
Hi everyone, I'm very new into "quant" field (not new to "classic" trading) and I have a question: Quant. trading is only for HF or it is also used for longer terms(days,weeks,months,etc)? Just curious.
The Quantist
- VonTrader replied Mar 31, 2010
Don't set false expectations, be aware. I can guarantee that you will get a margin call soon. 24 pips = 4% account increase, not good.
yeeeah, i made 24 pips this month!!!