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- My problem: Protecting Mt4 Account against unauthorized Login!Started Jun 26, 2013|Platform Tech|4 replies
Hello, I'm trading on the Mt4 and I would like to protect my account against unauthorized ...
Austrian Death Machine - Come With Me If You Want To Live video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?When doing selfhypnosis, you will have to bring yourself in a deeply relaxed state of mind. This is what you can try: Lay down (you can also sit, whatever you prefer), put your hands on your stomach and close your eyes. Normally you will feel some ...
Just how well do you deal with loss?Hi cat, I learned to accept losses by changing my beliefs about the outcome of a trade. Accepting that anything can happen, that there is a random distribution between wins and losses, that no matter if I win or loose I always just earn the expected ...
Just how well do you deal with loss?Well, if you want to get into a trading department in a bank, you should have a pretty good uni degree and apply to "Capital Markets". In Germany I only know from Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank (i am german so I only know about them) and they only ...
career as a professional FX trader for hedge funds, banks, etc@No-Luck - Have a look at "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" its about Jesse Livermore, who traded during that time. There is also a book by himself (how to trade in Stocks) and various others (eg. those by Smitten).
Going Old SchoolAs far as I'm concerned in germany it's part of the "Abgeltungssteuer" as all your capital-income. Have a look at §20 Abs. 2 Nr. 3b EstG ( url ) and ( url ). So therefor it's 25% + 5,5% (on those 25% as "Solidaritätszuschlag").
Taxing income from forex trading around the worldWell after all I found it out myself, but I'd like to share it with you in case you got the same problem. Somehow Metatrader still saves the password on your harddrive although you unclick the button for saving the login-data. So what you have to do ...
My problem: Protecting Mt4 Account against unauthorized Login!Hello, I'm trading on the Mt4 and I would like to protect my account against unauthorized ...
I can recommend you the book "The Psychology of Winning" by Dr. Denis Waitley. It helped me alot to stick to my tradingplan when things were not going very well.
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