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- 133 Results (2 Threads, 131 Replies)
- tomhliles replied May 12, 2010
heres some scripts at what price level u drop the script, the sl will move there
Move stop loss script
- tomhliles replied May 12, 2010
boolean will show like that, so do colors but not integers or doubles, or strings sorry
MT4 script user Input select-field
- tomhliles replied May 12, 2010
now, you can code a indy into a ea, youl need make ur own bar counting instead of using indicator counting il make a example, ofcourse untested, but give u the ideah at the top int counted_bars=0; int init() counted_bars=Bars; int start() { for(int ...
another day another challenge. indicatorCounted()
- tomhliles replied May 12, 2010
the ea will run the custom indicator every tick, wrather its on the chart or not which makes the indy count all the bars, its the same thing as placing the indy on the chart, then removing it, every tick
another day another challenge. indicatorCounted()
- tomhliles replied May 11, 2010
i did follow the thread, iv been here every day if i post, i read first, always last week as i was selling and you went long on eu, i felt for you when i woke up thursday and was in huge profit, i thought of you, i checked the thread, it was ...
The final Holy Grail
- tomhliles replied May 11, 2010
how do we know that trade isnt imaginary what if you opened that trade, took a small loss, then price reverses, you think darn, i shoulda waited how do we know you still have that trade? you cant expect every1 to just trust you afterall we live in a ...
The final Holy Grail
- tomhliles replied May 11, 2010
im trying to simplify it for mebds he fails so far to understand that without proof, you prove nothing oh, and i only consider it proof if its in real time, so he cannot prove what he failed to prove already its like opprtunity they happen all the ...
The final Holy Grail
- tomhliles replied May 10, 2010
High is also wrong, use ihigh there also, or add the brackets High[0]
Cant draw simple Vertical Line
- tomhliles replied Apr 30, 2010
heres how i display it on the chart maybe some1 will put this in a ea for you if (ObjectFind("lev5") == -1 ){ ObjectCreate("lev5", OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0); ObjectSet("lev5", OBJPROP_BACK, 0); ObjectSet("lev5", OBJPROP_CORNER, 0); ObjectSet("lev5", ...
EA that places trade as soon as margin available
- tomhliles replied Apr 30, 2010
dont know if this works on other brokers, dont see why it wouldnt i use this on ibfx, it will show the maximum trade you can have, so if this value is above or equals your brokers minimum lots, you can open a trade ...
EA that places trade as soon as margin available
- tomhliles replied Apr 29, 2010
volume counts ticks from history, i dont think u can do that, theres no ticks stored in a indicators value, just a price
In need of Volume indicator --
- tomhliles replied Apr 29, 2010
each end of the line moves in time, because the time isnt available on other time frame that changes the value everywhere except the 2 end points of the trendline, a solution is adjust the tl ends on the smaller tf since ur drawing on monthly, the ...
MT4 Trendlines change depending on timeframe of same chart...?
- tomhliles replied Apr 29, 2010
the problem is the object names ObjectCreate("Lines" + i,OBJ_HLINE,0,0,R[i]); i edited to this ObjectCreate(Symbol()+Timeframe+"Lines" + i,OBJ_HLINE,0,0,R[i]); now you can use 1 indy per timeframe per symbol
How to change indicator to allow multiple instances on one chart
- tomhliles replied Apr 22, 2010
it seems youv both deleted some posts, i dont know which of you posted the indy, or who got agitated?
multi time frame two indicators
- tomhliles replied Apr 22, 2010
why did you delete the indy you posted? i didnt get to check it out i had no complaints! i somehow missed the last post until now i said the indy wasnt broken, not that it cannot be improved when trading live i get the correct value though history ...
multi time frame two indicators
- tomhliles replied Apr 21, 2010
yeah extern int TimeFrame = 0; // 0 = CurrentChart, 1 = M1, 5 = M5, 15 = M15, 30 = M30, // 60 = H1, 240 = H4, 1440 = D1, 10080 = W1, 43200 = MN1 extern int period = 14; // the period extern int Method = 1; // the method: 0 = Simple, 1 = Exponential, ...
Moving Average Multiple TF
- tomhliles replied Apr 21, 2010
i dont think theres a way to remove that unless you use indicator buffers to draw the line instead of objects
Obj_hline without highlighted price on right
- tomhliles replied Apr 21, 2010
what i do is this before you open orders, count the current orders after you open, or attemp to open a new order, compare the previouse counted orders to the current if theres a diference, you opened a order i use true/false flags to do this, i use ...
Small EA Problem
- tomhliles replied Apr 20, 2010
at a quick glance, you have not specified a rule to close buys you can check my profile to find my coding tutorial, thatl help you write a ea or atleast help you understand enough to edit code ...
Please, Help me with my 1st EA !!