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- 37 Results (1 Threads, 36 Replies)
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
Thank you for your opinion. Can you share your work on probability?
Candles are arbitrary
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
Thomas Jefferson Quotes — We may have to. A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum ...
10 to 1 You're done...
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
For starters, you have the candles numbered backwards. The MT4 convention is the current candle is 0 and the previous candle is 1. The code I posted checks candles 5,4,3,2 and counts how many are bullish and how many are bearish. If all 4 are ...
Check based on Bull and Bears
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
As a child on the 60s, I remember seeing a cartoon in a newspaper that showed a black man getting to vote for one of 3 white devils. The exact caption escapes me but the essence was "What do you mean you don't have a choice?"
10 to 1 You're done...
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
I would love to stand up to the bullies. What do you have in mind? Something more than letter writing?
10 to 1 You're done...
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
The trader should be allowed to pick the leverage. Of course, we can lower our position size but that is not the same.
10 to 1 You're done...
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
Useless is a pretty strong word to be applied to candles, wicks and bodies. Thank you for your opinion.
Candles are arbitrary
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 24, 2010
From your avatar, it looks like you must be a "plunger".
Inside Bar Trading Technique
- Candles are arbitraryStarted Jan 24, 2010|Trading Discussion|18 replies
From Page 321 -322 Millionaire Traders: Q : Do you wait for a red candlestick to develop ...
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 23, 2010
int COUNT = 0; for( int i = 5; i > 1; i--) { if(Close[i] > Open[i]) { COUNT = COUNT + 1 ; } else { COUNT = COUNT - 1 ; } } if( COUNT == 4 && Close[1] < Open[1] ) { "SHORT TRIGGER" } if( COUNT == -4 && Close[1] > Open[1] ) { "LONG TRIGGER" } Does ...
Check based on Bull and Bears
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 23, 2010
Trick question? $1,000 becomes $12,xxx,xxx after 240 trading days. Possible? Yes. Probable? No. Issues like liquidity get in the way.
Hello - Price Relativity
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 22, 2010
Sounds like you know what you are talking about.
Real traders, real money
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 22, 2010
Which support resistance indicator are you using? Is it one from this thread?
Very Profitable System - Roi system
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 22, 2010
They fail at trading but someone is always willing to pay for a prediction.
The truth about trading
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 22, 2010
Not a joke at all. Most traders do not know when to quit so they keep trading and lose in the long run. The "trick" is to make 4% a day and quit. Come back tomorrow and trade again. Many will advise you to keep trading while you're hot. You decide ...
Hello - Price Relativity
- kennyjohnson replied Jan 21, 2010
url Can you provide your template? I am intrigued.
The truth about trading