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- Jb3 replied Nov 26, 2015
I want to say this thread is awesome. Looks like you are mostly based in California. I'm also located in Southern California, so if you want to meet up for a drink and chat, I'm up for it. I just have to work the timing since I have a family now and ...
Another Day, Another Chair, Another Day in the Office
- Jb3 replied Nov 18, 2015
I tried to replace the terminal.exe that you provided, but it stays at 902.
Renko channel + Fast EMA = simple and profitable
- Jb3 replied Apr 4, 2013
They won't let anyone out of the bear trap. Once the high and stops are taken out. I expect a strong surge up and minor pullbacks before moving higher. Classic bear trap. And who seriously want to bet against a central bank hell bent on printing ...
USD/JPY Discussion
- Jb3 replied Apr 4, 2013
The big boys are going to push this to at least 100, they are all loaded and know all the stops above 96. They will run those stops for sure, it is like taking candy from all of the babies. That squeeze will cause the stock to pop to 100 easily. ...
USD/JPY Discussion
- Jb3 replied Jan 8, 2013
Where do you get the current account information for each country? And what do you do with the Euro current account?
Fundamental trading. No charts or indicators
- Jb3 replied Jan 7, 2013
Chubby, Well, it was great to follow along when it lasted in public. No worries, keep doing what you are doing. Just drop by from time to time to let us know how it went. I do have a question, how long have you traded this strategy before you posted ...
9-25% Monthly Enough?
- Jb3 replied Jan 7, 2013
Maybe you didn't attach the jpy trade explorer because the closed trade is GBPCHF cross.
New JPY Crosses Trading System Not Yet revealed
- Jb3 replied Jan 4, 2013
I've read your previous posts to try to learn as much about your trading style as possible, so I don't sound too much like a noob in front of everyone. It is fascinating because you use math instead of using charts/indicators. Right now, I'm using ...
Secret New Trading System Not Yet revealed
- Jb3 replied Jan 3, 2013
What do you mean by danger zone? Your results look fabulous. Is there something I'm missing?
Secret New Trading System Not Yet revealed
- Jb3 replied Jan 3, 2013
Put you on my buddy list. I will follow along and hopefully learn some things to help me out. Are you going to be dialing back the risk when you go live? The results look impressive.
Secret New Trading System Not Yet revealed
- Jb3 replied Jan 2, 2013
I will definitely follow along and see what happens. I hope you can still pull it out. It is very strange to see 3 losses in proximity when your backtest shows 95% winning rate. What does you data tell you? Is this an outlier or has this happened ...
9-25% Monthly Enough?
- Jb3 replied Jan 2, 2013
2008 was an outlier with the financial crisis. And the bulk of your profit came from that crisis. Not to knock on your method, I'm just pointing out an observation from your backtest. I'm always willing to learn and basket trading has always ...
Still Basketting
- Jb3 replied Jan 2, 2013
Good luck, man. I'll be looking forward to following along the trade explorer. I would love to see the results and if EA can really replicate the human manual trading.
Magic-Breakout (optimised) with PPA - a new beginning
- Jb3 replied Dec 26, 2012
Can you tell me more about MM? I would like to learn more about this aspect of trading, and how others are using MM? I think it is very great for traders to discuss MM because it is not a big secret like entry.
Tetis Trades For One Week
- Jb3 replied Dec 25, 2012
Chubby, If you are monitoring 5 time frames and waiting for them to trend in the same direction, wouldn't that take more than 5 minutes? I was envisioning you looking at the charts for 5 minutes, see some pattern, and then place a limit order for 10 ...
9-25% Monthly Enough?
- Jb3 replied Dec 24, 2012
I'm impressed. I would love to hear how to spend 5 minutes and be 95% accurate. I'm spending hours looking at the chart, and I would be happy with 20% per month. Would like to hear how it only takes 5 minutes, so you would open a chart before market ...
9-25% Monthly Enough?
- Jb3 replied Dec 21, 2012
I'm very impressed with your results. Especially for scalping on 5 minutes. So do you think the entry or MM more important? And what are you looking for to enter after the London open? Is it a price pattern or something else?
Tetis Trades For One Week
- Jb3 replied Nov 22, 2012
This is the classic case of reality setting in. We all started with wild expectations, and the market beats the reality into our brain. By the end of the year, the goal will probably be just making any profit and staying afloat.
Proof That Ultra Profitable Trading Is Indeed Possible
- Jb3 replied Sep 3, 2012
Is anyone else demo all have 0.00 balance after this weekend? I know all of my demos had 0 balance, and most of my tests were screwed up because you can't trade with no demo money. Sigh. And since MB Trading is not working tomorrow, I'll have to ...
MB Trading Futures - Introduction
- Jb3 replied Jul 12, 2012
If you are already in a trade, and waiting for the 400 TP. Do you trade the next day? Or you let it ride and close before you trade again? Also, what happens if the next day, the movement is opposite of your existing trade? Oanda will not allow you ...
Central Banks & Big Players