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- krakoukas replied Oct 21, 2013
Bi-weekly "WTF is krakoukas going on about" time! So, reading a CSV file is technically not CPU bound, but doing anything of value with it will usually take you there. Still, my CSV -> binary tick format conversion process is "barely CPU bound", if ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 7, 2013
A brief progress update. Node.js isn't a great fit, as it happens. Too many CPU-heavy things happening. So C++ is the obvious choice. Simple tasks like reading a CSV file are still CPU bound, but it's nonetheless a nice improvement to be able to ...
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- krakoukas replied Sep 27, 2013
I'm of the belief that it's unwise to throw real money at it without having proven to yourself you can work consistently with a demo account, but that's mostly just because I don't like throwing money away. Live trading is harder than demo for a ...
How many people are actually making money rather than losing?
- krakoukas replied Sep 23, 2013
Before becoming the very best, don't you need to catch them all? That's what I've heard from a popular japanese source anyhow. But seriously, listen to Kanzler. Salvage your education while you still can. You love financial markets? Great. Get your ...
To be the best
- krakoukas replied Sep 23, 2013
Dear diary, I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. Has it already been three years since I last wrote to you? Time flies where you're having fun and aren't doing much of anything forex-related. Things have been going great on my end. I moved ...
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- krakoukas replied Jun 13, 2010
From a security standpoint, that's a rather terrifying idea. If you insist on using a public low-security platform for broadcasting automated trading orders tied to live accounts (which is a Bad Idea (tm)), at the very least make sure you use the ...
Execute remote MT4 trades via Twitter
- krakoukas replied Jun 12, 2010
Darn. Reading the more technical sections of that forum really makes me feel like a monkey on a typewriter. Still, all this stuff is useful, if only to google the crap out of it for now. For example, on the reddit post, one of the questions mentions ...
Systematic trading
- krakoukas replied Jun 7, 2010
I'm roughly in the same boat as you are, in that I'm building up my own little system from scratch, and trying to reuse as many open-source chunks as possible to make it easier. Regarding the dukascopy tick-data, I'd recommend to not convert them to ...
Systematic trading
- krakoukas replied Jun 4, 2010
bi-weekly-ish update — Alright dear diary, it's time for another update. I haven't made as much progress as hoped, in part because I bought a house (yes I know OMG my timing sucks), but this forex thing provided a welcome distraction from ...
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- krakoukas replied May 24, 2010
I was specifically referring to the programming side of MT4, which limits you into a blatantly sub-par and under-featured language for no good reason. I am not arguing that plenty of folks may well be getting rich with it, merely that I don't intend ...
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- krakoukas replied May 24, 2010
Round 2 — Alright, after a few months of giving up on this mess, I'm stepping back into the arena. During my off period, I've come to a few realizations: MT4 and MT5 suck. Using them is a little like shooting your own foot, except the hospital ...
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- krakoukas replied Nov 5, 2009
Ryan from FXCM just called me. He asked to speak to "Metal", which is the bogus first name I put on my demo account information. So that was fun. He was pretty nice and offered to help, although he seemed bummed that I didn't seem anywhere near ...
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- krakoukas replied Nov 2, 2009
Brian gave you some good general advice. More specifically, regarding what EB is doing: The EA *will* wait forever until its series of open trades is in profit overall, or until your account goes bust, whichever comes first. The tiny negative losses ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 31, 2009
And now for something completely different — Nittany1 has a little ranging vs trending indicator at url It hadn't been worked on for a while, so I've updated it a bit: ToR version 1.20k: - refactored the source code - aligned table layout - ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 31, 2009
Brian, I agree almost entirely with your post. My only point of contention is whether or not it is a waste of time to play with such systems. As I am still learning, and my mind works best by expressing concepts as code, writing code helps me ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 30, 2009
Thanks for the kind words, Andante. I entirely agree. The probability of your account being entirely destroyed by this type of EA gets very close to 1 the further it is allowed to run, which makes it more of a fun toy than a real investment strategy ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 30, 2009
Somehow, my EURCHF data got better. So to celebrate, here's a backtest that more than triples (quadruples if you ignore that pesky giant loss at the end) the initial deposit over 9 and half months. image The "SRand" input parameter does exactly ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 30, 2009
Well yes, that's exactly what it is. I'm greatly amused that the actual entry algorithm clearly doesn't matter with that approach, since I'm basically flipping coins for it right now. It goes to show that when you're willing to take an infinite ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 30, 2009
Let's reverse engineer an EA — EAs are awesome, and fun, and well, let's see who's the awesome EA of the week. Both forexpeacearmy and 4xproject show an EA named "Equity Builder" doing remarkably well in forward testing ( +11.24% weekly for 7 ...
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- krakoukas replied Oct 26, 2009
Another week-end update. I used Jacko's approach on a few trades. The AH stuff is probably my favorite part. The use of slow timeframes is the most bothersome, since I'm still at the early tinkering stages where I have to keep messing with things ...
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