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- 654 Results (3 Threads, 651 Replies)
- bagovino replied Feb 28, 2015
Glad to hear my method has been making you money all these years! I've been toying with a new system to scalp the 1 minute S&P 500. Looks very promising so far. Chances are it will work for Forex as well. I'll keep you all posted if all goes well.
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 19, 2013
You're right Tommbstone. 60 second binary's are NOT for the faint of heart, that's for sure! I've had many nail biting, blood pressure raising trades! This style of trading is NOT for everyone. However, it really suits my personality well. I'm a ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 19, 2013
As of right now I'm up to $945. I am using a totally different system specifically tailored for 60 second binary. I combine a few things... The system, money management, price action, pivot points and I only trade at certain times. I am typically ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 19, 2013
Tommbstone, $100 bets??? No way! I'd have blown my account the first day if I had done that. It's my 60 Second System coupled with a smart money strategy. I actually start with $5 investments and increase from there. ~B
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 19, 2013
KC, I started with Trade Rush and changed to GT Options. They are both just OK. Lots of glitches with their platforms. They tend to freeze up, miss trades, get you out of trades late etc... There is one called Go Options which looks very promising. ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 18, 2013
Nice job Anthm, Congrats! By the way... My account has climbed to $845 from $300 in just about a weeks time. You guys really need to check into 60 second binary options! Bags
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 17, 2013
I'm up to $715 from $300 as of tonight and I still have an hour or two of trading to go. I am actually trading binary's on the 60 second charts. ~B
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 15, 2013
Quick update... Since my last post I have more than doubled my account in 7 days which was when I first started. To recap, I started with $300 and am now at $645! Not too bad being I didn't trade Friday at all. So that's 5 days of trading, only 2-3 ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Apr 10, 2013
Guess who's back??? I'm amazed to see that after all these years you guys are still here trading my system and keeping the thread alive! THANK YOU... It is quite an honor and I am grateful. I hope this system was able to help with your trading. I've ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Jan 12, 2012
I started straying from my technique and tried other methods looking for the bigger better thing. I started "betting" big and emptied an account like an idiot. I decided to put it down and focus on work. I just recently got the itch to try it again ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Jan 5, 2012
1st Night In Years... — Last night I made a couple of trades after being out of the game for years. I was positive 50 pips! I did some poking around and found a new way of making sure I am in the trend and momentum while taking the signals off ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Jan 5, 2012
Thanks — Thanks guys... Strada, are you still trading the system?
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Jan 4, 2012
I'm Back... — Toying with the idea of getting back in the game...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Aug 29, 2008
1 MIN??? — Strada, Are you mostly trading the 1 minute? I have never tried it. Heard it's suicide. How many trades per session are you making on such a short time frame? I may just give it a try. All, Thanks for the recent flare in interest. I ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Aug 24, 2008
Sad To See... — It's been so long since I've been here, but it seems sad to see that this thread seems to have died. I will be lurking in the factory, so find me if interest ever sparks again. Good luck to all! ~B.
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Aug 22, 2008
Strada, Thanks for picking up my slack here brother! To answer a few questions... I haven't been trading as of late. I'm slowly starting to get back into it and yes... I will be trading the original 1hr system. I have also been experimenting with a ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Aug 15, 2008
Thanks! — Strada, Thanks for keeping this thread alive! I find it hard to believe you're leading these guys astray. I'm a bit rusty. I'm sure you have this down better than I do by now. Are you still trading the 10 min? Let me know how you are ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Aug 13, 2008
It's Me!!! — Hey all, How is everybody? I know it's been a while. I've been quite busy this past year and haven't contributed much. I'm just checking in to see if there is still an interest on this thread for it to continue. Let me know... ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied May 14, 2008
LONG TIME NO TALK!!! — I can't believe this thread is still alive! WOW!!! I have been out of the Forex game for some time now due to family matters. I am looking to get back in, but a bit rusty! What is working best for this method thus far, ...
Bagovino Method
- bagovino replied Dec 24, 2007
PICS — Heny, Posting pix would be a great idea! Marco... I'd like to see you here too buddy! Happy Holidays! B.
Bagovino Method