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- safire25 replied Feb 4, 2017
Hi guys, Has anyone used light blue CID and can comment if it is profitable for forex?
Light Blue CID Software
- safire25 replied Jan 26, 2016
Hey Kasia How did you go with EA? did you get good results? I bought this system but haven't used in a while so will start again this week as i like its simplicity and seems to do well overall
FX Incognito: (open, high, low, close) is ALL you need!
- safire25 replied Nov 9, 2009
I had multiple buy baskets open earlier on the 15m Would get to $20 then exit then straight away open another buy basket, hit $20 exit then open again until session ended Trading 0.1 lot, is this what should be happening? Its great, made over 100 ...
scooby-doo BOJ JPY pairs trading robot
- safire25 replied Nov 9, 2009
Thanks Tazmaan, thats reassuring to know Yes the Robot worked bueatifully, four buy baskets all profitble
scooby-doo BOJ JPY pairs trading robot
- safire25 replied Nov 9, 2009
the buys have opened for me but I was recieving multiple alerts with order send failure (130) invalid stops Eventually they went away Anyone else experienced this? '
scooby-doo BOJ JPY pairs trading robot
- safire25 replied Nov 8, 2009
I am an idiot, was using broker time not local working now, just so I am 100%, the sell time we enter should have been 1hour 25 minutes ago for everyone?
scooby-doo BOJ JPY pairs trading robot
- safire25 replied Nov 8, 2009
tried running as admin, no luck Using JadeFX sell 23.00 buy 07.00 as broker is GMT +1 Hope these times are correct and I have understood this properly?
scooby-doo BOJ JPY pairs trading robot
- safire25 replied Nov 8, 2009
Yes, I can vouch my computers time and date is correct as well, and it is not Sunday so even when I set the trade Sunday candle to true made no difference The strange part is when I first loaded it, it seemed to work correctly - alot more text on ...
scooby-doo BOJ JPY pairs trading robot
- safire25 replied Nov 8, 2009
I have set my robot for selling hour 23.00, it is currently 23.36 however it currently says outside of trading hours selling hour starts at 23.00. trade monitoring starts 30 minutes later Is this normal or will it not trade?
scooby-doo BOJ JPY pairs trading robot
- safire25 replied Nov 9, 2008
hi Matrizebiz, Can I run your EA KG 4H MTF that you posted that checks timeframes from 4H right down to M1 and plave on a one hour chart? Reason I ask is I was trying this before and it opened and closed just before the next hour bar with profit, ...
Relative Strength Basket Trading System
- safire25 replied Nov 5, 2008
Sorry, didnt realise I had to load the indicator onto the chart Working fine now
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Nov 5, 2008
Hi Matrixebiz, When I apply EA to my charts I get this error in the experts tab. Tried on H4, H1 and 30m TF, loaded the indicator correctly, cleared global variables, restarted a few times etc but wont trade
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 30, 2008
Screenshot of 1h EA not trading anymore Will stay like this unless I restart MT4
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 29, 2008
correct me if i am wrong RR but you will know when the EA has permanently stopped trading when you look at the indicator commentary in the top left and under counter and base strength you will see "none" instead of "long & short"
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 29, 2008
Based on that theory then, the Ea would not work at all Thats not what I am experiencing, its working great for a while then just halts in its tracks
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 29, 2008
My settings are the same as Blazer's post above I am using the CCFP universal indicator that you posted along side your EA RR (post #891). I am also only using the pairs that you trade (again in this post) havent changed anything from default except ...
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 29, 2008
Hi RonaldRaygun, Still getting great profits using this on the 1H but again, after every two hours the EA stops trading until I restart the MT4 platform. Has anyone else noticed this? Giving each chart a different Magic number, using 12 pairs (is ...
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 29, 2008
The attachment keeps saying invalid file I use all defaults except enable TP - 60, TS - 30 SL - 100 Thats all I have changed, and am trying this on 1hr TF
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 29, 2008
Hi Ronald Raygun, Thanks for creating the EA. I was playing with the settings and using this on the 1HR, was working great for the first two hours with great profits but then stopped making trades. Is anyone else finding the same? in the indicator ...
Trading System Using Relative Strength-Part 2
- safire25 replied Oct 13, 2008
Hi Ronald Raygun, Thanks for creating an EA for this system Have you got any trades yet? I am testing your Relative Strength EA and have left default settings on and its just keeps telling me "outside trading times" but hasnt placed a trade. I have ...
Trading system using relative strength