- Search Forex Factory
- macgyver commented Nov 12, 2013
Yeah agree 100%. I personally believe that picking entrances is a waste of time. Its the exits that matter.
The Often Neglected Exit Strategy In Forex Trading
- macgyver commented Oct 13, 2013
Common guys... Eliot wave is complete mental masterbation. From my exeriance its useless and just like flag formation... you know what it is after the fact.
Utilizing Elliott Wave In Today's Markets
- macgyver commented Mar 26, 2013
Nah luckily I went short a week before the top and have been bearish since then. I did check your posts and I jokingly agree.
Ichimoku Shows EURUSD Fall May Mimic Earlier GBPUSD Drop
- macgyver commented Mar 26, 2013
Lordy Lordy! thank god you told me where its going I wasn't sure.... what else do you see in that crystal ball.. I assume you have one based on your past spot on predictions lol
Ichimoku Shows EURUSD Fall May Mimic Earlier GBPUSD Drop
- macgyver commented May 29, 2012
I've been pretty bearish on the euro for the past few years.. even though I think it might go down 1k pips... a retrace is gonna come with vengeance anyday now... as soon as EU politicians find some common grounds.
Time to bet on the euro
- macgyver commented Mar 27, 2012
Unemployment used to be low... when America and Europe produced goods.. it seems to me that all these jobs shift over to the housing market... whats really crazy is that unemployment is high... how high would it be if we didn't spend all these ...
The Euro Crisis Is Structural
- macgyver commented Jan 30, 2012
this euro data is pathetic to be honest, euro wont bounce back for sure... funny because I feel a very strong conviction for my views plus euro went down way way before us data... this article is just spewing garbage... they could have at least ...
EUR/USD unable to hold gains after Income/spending data
- macgyver commented Jan 22, 2012
...more like decapitation.
Euro wobbles on Greek setback; subdued in holiday trade
- macgyver commented Jan 22, 2012
Im curious... if orderly default allows the CDS to remain untriggered.. what will happen to the faith placed into CDS by these banks and bond funds? Will they want to get insurance an other EU countries that could also be worthless? Why would they ...
Euro wobbles on Greek setback; subdued in holiday trade
- macgyver commented Jan 20, 2012
I really don't understand all this default BS... default is a default no matter of the positive spin on it by calling it orderly ...it is absurd. Oh yeah! It will be orderly so screwing the masses will be so much better.
France’s Sarkozy warns Greece not to delay decisions – Reuters
- macgyver commented Dec 29, 2011
You are asking a whole bunch of people with their own prejudices and biases... not a good trading strategy.
US Pending Home Sales Rise Again in November, Highest in a Year-and-a-Half
- macgyver commented Dec 29, 2011
If you must ask you really should not trade... anyway... my two cents I think e/u will go up till the new year... there is a probability many fund managers will want to cut their positions to inflate their profits... so there is a pretty good chance ...
US Pending Home Sales Rise Again in November, Highest in a Year-and-a-Half
- macgyver commented Dec 29, 2011
Doesn't make sense.. people are bearish so closing would cause a similar effect as if going long.. that's what happened a year ago. Unless people with shorts aren't the ones who are closing... maybe the ones who were long but not many of those..
Italy auction - 10yr 2.5 bn, Bid to cover 1.357. Yield 6.979%
- macgyver commented Dec 28, 2011
I guess you could say I lost some money because they BS too much... I did get a chance to get in on the latest intervention.. and about being a guest... I'm just saying its easy to give advice especially if you make it impossible for anyone to track ...
Japan not backing down to US on FX intervention
- macgyver commented Dec 28, 2011
Guest claiming to make lots on intervention .. boj does a lot of talking... as we all know you would need very deep pockets. I doubt you made anything every time they cried about the rate and threatened to intervene. Its easy to boost your ego ...
Japan not backing down to US on FX intervention
- macgyver commented Dec 22, 2011
Not the hourly structure!
EUR/CHF – Hourly structure warns of an extension lower
- macgyver commented Dec 21, 2011
catch 22.. they can solve this problem by monetize debt but then is not fair to the Germans and other good standing countries who are lucky enough to escape this problem. If they don't... they could possibly force the world economy back in to ...
What really caused the eurozone crisis?
- macgyver commented Dec 21, 2011
There in no way its 19 maybe like $8 something ..
Swiss finance minister says government views CHF overvalued
- macgyver commented Dec 19, 2011
I thought he owned preferred shares...
Warren Buffett is $1.5 billion underwater on his Bank of America stock
- macgyver commented Dec 18, 2011
Maybe the markets will go up lol
North Korea says supreme leader Kim Jong Il has died