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- BeyondD commented Jan 24, 2019
Loving this, more fake news, Shorting Gbp/usd is just the gift that keeps giving
DUP privately agree to support Theresa May’s ‘Plan B’ Brexit deal when she ‘toughens it up’...
- BeyondD commented Jan 16, 2019
This twitter account just like yesterday is peddeling Fake news, just like his supposed ERG votes for May's Brexit Deal
EU looking at plans for Brexit extension to 2020: London Times
- BeyondD commented Nov 22, 2018
May Teleconfrence: " i got a offer you can't refuse would be a terrible shame if something happens to your northeren Ireland " the amount of meme's that can be made in the future will be endless.
UK PM May Spokesman: May Is Currently Updating Cabinet On State Of Brexit Negotiations By...
- BeyondD commented Nov 15, 2018
This message can only be saved by one person. He should be the new PM in chrage of Brexit. Yohay Elam is the hero we deserve. Gbp 1.33 nao!
PM May battles to save Brexit deal as ministers quit
- BeyondD commented Oct 10, 2018
A Bad Joke Incoming. DOW Jones Index= Down Goes the Joe's index. Thats exactly what is going to happen to American pension funds if the DOW enters a true bear market.
Dow plummets 600 points in worst drop since April, Amazon and tech shares lead the rout
- BeyondD commented Sep 24, 2018
Hate or Love trump atleast he knows how to clean house and drives more power to himself.
Rod Rosenstein is resigning
- BeyondD commented Sep 9, 2018
Yohay is bad but is he at legendary Gartman levels? That is the true question.
Forex Weekly Outlook Sep. 10-14 - Double feature Thursday
- BeyondD commented Jul 25, 2018
In before Trump says Fake news: Countdown T-Minus 24 Hours
Trump pushes 25 percent auto tariff as top advisers scramble to stop him
- BeyondD commented Dec 14, 2017
Draghi Dragging the euro down he is being paid well for it
ECB Draghi says indicators signal strong pace of economic growth - BBG *Draghi says strong...
- BeyondD commented Oct 23, 2017
That will only happen if Trump can grab her by the pony.
Trump Says He's 'Very, Very Close' On Fed Chair Decision
- BeyondD commented Sep 27, 2017
The CEO's golden parachute got downgraded to a silver one. A moral outtrage it is. ( Marketing trick 101) Wait a few months before rebranding to a different brand name and offer the same product with no extra security just slightly better offering ...
Equifax CEO walks away with $18 million after data breach affecting half the US occurs on his...
- BeyondD commented Sep 26, 2017
This is easy for him to pass . With a Tax holiday he can bring those Dollar from overseas and the coporations pays less in taxes compared to the normal rate so this is garanteed to pass. Tax reform might be a bit harder to get through.
Trump Says Very Comprehensive Report On Tax Reform Is Coming
- Posts by Trader Search: 'BeyondD'