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- Tinytrader commented Aug 1, 2019
I think that we can't say about currency cheating. Said the USD for example..what is its actual value compare to gold.When american in recession it can just print the paper and made the other in the world suffer and said go to hell with that
Trump says new 10% tariff can be raised beyond 25%
- Tinytrader commented Aug 1, 2019
I don't know in the free trade what is cheating.American know how chinese do it.He can copying it. But the problem are it's wages is to high so the final produce is still very expensive so "When U are losing then just say it the enemy is Cheeting" ...
The U.S. will put additional Tariff of 10% on $300B of goods from China
- Tinytrader commented Jul 23, 2018
I think there is no body win in trade wars. If the chinese going down then they nuke the US by selling their bond Then I think Rusian win the War
Why is Beijing unusually muted since Donald Trump’s latest US$500 billion trade war threat?
- Tinytrader commented Apr 27, 2017
why everything just discourse,where is the action ??!!
WH: US won't withdraw from NAFTA at the current time
- Tinytrader replied Apr 19, 2017
There is no lunatics in the world.its just simple profit and loss.So there are lunatics in NK and not in israelli.Its what the world circle. There really is some leader that cross the line. But in the end is ..... " Its Just About The Money "
The Really Useless Thread
- Tinytrader replied Mar 3, 2017
1C.US front is good unless some tweet or action come out
The Really Useless Thread
- Tinytrader replied Sep 15, 2015
Can you tell me your broker.I need broker with small deposit like that.If you can't write in here.You can PM me.Thank u.
Central Banks & Big Players
- Tinytrader replied Aug 28, 2014
What happen?JPY strength up quickly but gold didn't move
As simple as possible: 00 level trading
- Tinytrader replied Aug 17, 2014
I have the mauro trailing but in my MT4, i can't attach it to my chart.In my EA list, the yellow dot beside the EA name didn't turn on.Don't know why.
As simple as possible: 00 level trading
- Tinytrader replied Aug 17, 2014
Can i have your EA for this trailing Stop please? I want to change the EA to do like u do,thanks.
As simple as possible: 00 level trading
- Tinytrader replied Aug 14, 2014
What news is this ? I think this method shouldn't use to trade USD news because the whipsaw almost certain happen in it ( specially in big moment like FED meeting ).
News trading the simple way
- Tinytrader replied Aug 12, 2014
i interested to this coin flip theory. Made me remember Some One said before : I want you to do the following on a demo account: 1) Toss a coin: Heads long, Tails short 2) Manage the trade as you see fit. If you think the trade is bad, exit. 3) When ...
DON'T trade Udine's 00 level Strategy
- Tinytrader replied Aug 12, 2014
Really TS like a double blade in this low ADR.
As simple as possible: 00 level trading
- Tinytrader replied Aug 11, 2014
Sorry to ask.Where i can study the supply/demand of the market ? Really want to understand these market better. Thanks in advance
As simple as possible: 00 level trading
- Tinytrader replied Aug 7, 2014
Don't know for now if this is great or lose system.But for the beginning udine told to demoing for increase twice the account first then live. I think it takes twice the effort but it will make us decide this system is fit or not. Just my 2 cent
DON'T trade Udine's 00 level Strategy
- Tinytrader replied Aug 6, 2014
Yes.Thanks for the replay.I ask because i take the same trade and ended in SL.Maybe because the spread.
As simple as possible: 00 level trading
- Tinytrader replied Aug 6, 2014
I think your first GA position is a stop lost.Didn't it ?
As simple as possible: 00 level trading
- Tinytrader replied Aug 5, 2014
I don't know if this chart the same time with what jeetvirk post ( post 15,193 ).If this 2 chart from pretty much same time.I don't know why u didn't TP ?
As simple as possible: 00 level trading