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- scottik187 commented Aug 30, 2016
news.com.au is worth less than the paper it's printed on. Shame that saying doesn't have any meaning anymore.
Have central banks run out of weapons?
- scottik187 commented Jul 14, 2016
Forecast is the consesus forcast by banks/economists/pundits pre announcement. Actual is the announced number. Revised is when they got it wrong the first time and change the previous months figure.
Labour Force, Australia, June 2016
- scottik187 commented May 5, 2016
The headline was bad but the wage growth was good - and that's what's been lacking on the NFP for a few months now.
ADP: Private Sector Employment Increased by 156,000 Jobs in April
- scottik187 commented May 2, 2016
Housing/construction and mortgage growth are the two strongest areas in Australia. We have a problem.
New South Wales is Australia's strongest economy, Victoria a close second
- scottik187 commented Apr 11, 2016
I think "ravages the economy" is a bit strong...but we will see if it's true come budget time.
Australia's big banks wander deeper into regulatory quagmire
- scottik187 commented Apr 6, 2016
To the above question on inflation ... prices haven't gone up because the money hasn't been distributed through the economy, it's only gone to the top 1%. Real wages aren't growing, etc etc. That's my somewhat educated guess.
Global Bond Yield Plunges to Record-Low 1.3% in Warning Sign
- scottik187 commented Apr 5, 2016
While the FED may not hike, think about who is in better shape, EU or USA? Everyone seems to be forgetting about Greece too, which hasn't changed...and BREXIT, and now Panama Papers, and refugees... the list goes on.
Top Currency Trader Says Too Soon to Buy Dollars Despite Data
- scottik187 replied Mar 29, 2016
Trading is hard. I think it gets marketed and sold as being easy, but it isn't. It's really hard. The hardest part is learning about yourself. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it. You can make money, but to be honest, you just ...
Who makes real money from forex?
- scottik187 replied Mar 22, 2016
FA doesn't apply to Forex? So ... interest rate policy doesn't apply to forex?
Does it make sense to think of price movement in this way?
- scottik187 replied Mar 22, 2016
Those that count are the big ones, and understanding how they do what they do is key. It certainly helps to understand the big moves, otherwise you're just guessing the when.
Does it make sense to think of price movement in this way?
- scottik187 replied Mar 21, 2016
If I were going to make an analogy for the market, I'd use a see-saw. - One side is buy, one side is sell. - Market participants are the people riding it; you have big ones, small ones, smart ones, dumb ones, professionals and novices. - They move ...
Does it make sense to think of price movement in this way?
- scottik187 commented Feb 5, 2016
If you look back at the last NFP, there was a big increase in the headline figure (which has since been revised down) however the main concern was that wages were stagnant...and the jobs created were low paying. This is not surprising as the last ...
Payrolls in U.S. Rose 151,000 in January, Jobless Rate at 4.9%
- scottik187 replied Jan 14, 2016
What works is a well rounded financial, economic and political education. Throw in some psychology as well. There's no such thing as a holy grail system, but hey...everyone who's gone the journey has looked for one. It's all part of the process. ...
What really works?
- scottik187 replied Jan 12, 2016
Not at all, I don't think they should do it for free. What I am saying is that these companies exist to make a profit, and thus have gamed the system to be in their favor. Nothing wrong with that...if a person wants to trade then it's on them to ...
Is Forex trading worth it? If so, why?
- scottik187 replied Jan 12, 2016
It's important to consider the market in which retail traders participate, and who the "winner" would be if it were a zero-sum game. As trader34 points out, the real winners in the retail forex markets are the brokers. Why do you think there are so ...
Is Forex trading worth it? If so, why?
- scottik187 replied Dec 17, 2015
SL is a great tool when you're learning, Id say it's essential actually. But as you gain experience and develop your own style and understanding, you may well find that SL is a big part of why you're losing.
Trading without stop-losses
- scottik187 replied Dec 10, 2015
Bull flag on the hourly formed through the Asian session ... I always take the Asian session with a grain of salt though.