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- Zen_Leow replied Jan 10, 2025
I have a question which I'm not sure if it was asked before so please bear with me. image Looking at M15 chart, candle mark number 1 is the candle that has the highest H1 Open for today. Now we look at M1 chart to see the sequence of events at ...
Highest Open / Lowest Open Trade
- Zen_Leow replied Jan 5, 2025
If I'm understanding the rules correctly... We SELL when price open in area of interest (between today's high and today H1 highest open) and when BID price move down to reach H1 Highest open level, initial stop place at today's high. then money ...
Highest Open / Lowest Open Trade
- Zen_Leow replied Jan 5, 2025
Back after a long hiatus and found this gem of a thread. I'm intrigued. Will try out the challenge once I understand the rules on post 1. Just want to thank @TooSlow for sharing this first.
Highest Open / Lowest Open Trade
- Zen_Leow replied Nov 12, 2013
That would mean drawing objects instead of using a histogram buffer and that's quite a bit of a hassle to code. plus it will potentially create a lot of rectangle objects that will clutter up your chart. Don't think I have the time to do this one ...
Volume Bar indicator - highlight the bar
- Zen_Leow replied Nov 11, 2013
I modified Futurespec's codes according to your added request. can drill down all the way to M1. regards, Zen
Volume Bar indicator - highlight the bar
- Zen_Leow replied Nov 11, 2013
Hi squawk, it's not an error. The compiler is just saying I wrote a function that was never used. I was lazy to delete it since I have it in almost all the indicators I wrote. I didn't realise your "highlight" actually means changing the candle's ...
Volume Bar indicator - highlight the bar
- Zen_Leow replied Nov 10, 2013
Here. settings pretty straightforward. Look for the arrows. Up arrows show bullish bar with volume more than predefined volume. Down arrows shows the opposite. regards, Zen
Volume Bar indicator - highlight the bar
- Zen_Leow replied Nov 9, 2013
Hi all, It's been a while since I visited this forum. I detached myself from here a few years back due to some personal issues but now I'm back. but due to my work commitments, I can't be here as frequent as before. A look in my pm box and I saw ...
Swing Point Indicator
- Zen_Leow replied Nov 18, 2012
Thanks to those who have offered assistance to others in need due to the change in MT4 latest builds. I've updated the document to include steps to find out your IP address as well as a brief description of static and dynamic IP address (trying hard ...
Step by Step Email Setup in MT4 (Gmail)
- Zen_Leow replied May 21, 2012
this theory had been brought forward many times and debunked just as many times. My advise is to turn away and don't look back at this idea.
Help Needed: EA to open opposite position of another EA
- Zen_Leow replied Sep 8, 2011
good post SatchFan. Thanks for sharing. regards, Zen
Step by Step Email Setup in MT4 (Gmail)
- Zen_Leow replied Sep 7, 2011
The document opens fine. You need Microsoft Word.
Step by Step Email Setup in MT4 (Gmail)
- Zen_Leow replied Mar 5, 2011
I was under the impression that you're fluent in programming so I didn't think I need to explain function usage... You got that message because you put the function in but did not use it. let's say your code is going to open a sell trade when some ...
Max risk function isn't working
- Zen_Leow replied Mar 5, 2011
Windows Shitsta is a failure of Microsoft. Try installing MT4 in a folder other than "Program Files". e.g. C:\MyMT4Platforms\Metatrader 4 Hope that'll solve your problem. regards, Zen
Missing Object List
- Zen_Leow replied Mar 5, 2011
hahaha... I believe he meant "I use them for analysis"
Missing Object List
- Zen_Leow replied Mar 5, 2011
another point to note. some brokers impose a minimum distance rule. meaning you cannot place a pending order if the intended price is too close to the current price. how close is close is up to the broker.
how do you enter buy/sell Stop Limit in MT4?
- Zen_Leow replied Mar 5, 2011
your question is a little confusing. are you asking how to do pending orders in code or do pending orders manually via the MT4 platform? for the latter, you can refer to url I don't understand this statement cos it's self-contradictory. if you buy ...
how do you enter buy/sell Stop Limit in MT4?
- Zen_Leow replied Mar 5, 2011
Hi Scotty, It is hard to debug without the full code and context. My guess is the defined high and low stored in your memorizeH[1] and memorizeL[1] aren't having the correct values. or worse, your values redefines itself due to errors in coding ...
Max risk function isn't working
- Zen_Leow replied Mar 5, 2011
Unlike the other 99% of the Singapore population, I am unable to handle spicy food. haha... but I appreciate the thought and I'm glad you find the guide useful.
Step by Step Email Setup in MT4 (Gmail)regards, Zen
- Zen_Leow replied Jan 30, 2011
since those lines are objects, you can't actually use the visualisation tab of the indicator to control their display. however, we can work around it by only drawing objects on selected timeframes. I've attached the revised indicator. there's now 9 ...
sixths indicator