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- 65 Results (2 Threads, 63 Replies)
- opufo1 replied Nov 4, 2010
Hey, you could never know when there is another Madoff waiting in the corner dress as a big bank or else
- opufo1 replied Nov 4, 2010
I had the same F...... problem with FXCM they marked up a margin on an open trade I had this week to 66% I don't know what the F...... is their problem; any recomendation on a good broker outside the USA
- opufo1 replied Jun 17, 2010
not the same trade; but many trades along the line going short and long but for the most part of trades going short. right now I'm a few hundred pips in RED
- opufo1 replied Jun 17, 2010
I have been riding this sucker short from 1.36 to 1.18 with great success; but now I'm in the pain; but you know what they say "no pain no gain"
- opufo1 replied Jun 17, 2010
I would love too, but I can now; have to wait to get some coins back
- opufo1 replied Jun 17, 2010
I'm not, but I did not think that the euro was going up a few hundred pips so I got cut up in this Bull....T Have to weather down the storm, it would turn around soon I hope
- opufo1 replied May 25, 2010
I use his great charts and super post and adjusted to my own strategy. 30% is just a ballpark figure !!!!!
- opufo1 replied May 25, 2010
I do pay a lot of attention to everything he say; is 30% of my trading strategy