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- 271 Results (3 Threads, 268 Replies)
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
How does paying for his service make you less of an asshole? What are you trying to hide by avoiding the question? You have apparently found a cure for assholes on the internet. Just charge money for a website. However, judging by your posts I am ...
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
They are the big boys because they make the big trades. Do you even know how forex works? url
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
You have used that twice now. Time to mix it up a bit I think. Surely you can manage something better than that.
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
Ok so why not do a free website and only allow assholes like you with vouches or whatever? How does separating you from your money make you less of an obvious asshole than you already are?
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
How? Explain your logic. How can a trade posted for all the world to see at the time it is done be faked? Regardless of how many accounts you have. It can't so I don't know what your point or the point of that link is.
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
I don't do either of those things so which category of "non-believer" will you try pidgeon hole me into?
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
Nah, That's not it. You can read plenty of comments around here from people who have either worked on the inside or talked to people who have. There is no secret formula like the one for KFC or whatever. That is like saying there is a holy ...
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
Which is just re-iterating what I said. It's just like anything else. If you really want to do something you will find a way. If you don't then you won't. “If you think you can, or if you think you can’t, either way, you‘re right.” Henry Ford
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
Urrrum, I don't think so. We, meaning retail traders, make up less than 5% of the market I believe. We are completely inconsequential to whatever the big institutional players do and are only along for the ride.
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
And the only reason the MA's are relevant is because everyone watches them so it's self fulfilling.
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
Nah, it's not about outsmarting the market. Almost the opposite. Most people are usually trading against their own emotions. The market is not there to try outsmart anyone. It's just there. If anything, you need to dumb it down as much as possible.
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
Oy vey....where to start #1) Why does he have a service? Because he wants to help traders, and storing all the data (videos, webinars, various senior traders and their own strategies) takes up too much room at Forex Factory. Yea, and Sarah Palin ...
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 13, 2010
But the fact he IS selling a service is the whole point. Why why why would a successful trader sell a service. They wouldn't. That is the jist of it. Posting live trades has nothing to do with his training and EVERYTHING to do with his credibility. ...
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 12, 2010
And the scammers are probably those 5% of Forex traders that make a living at it.......not the actual trading mind you.....just the scamming!
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 12, 2010
Meh.....I read his thread and nobody can question that he does in fact trade a lot and has contributed ideas worth reading. The question is whether he is as successful at it as he says he is. There is ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH, NADA, NIET, NO evidence that ...
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 12, 2010
Explain to me exactly how one can 'fake' a live trade? I can't wait to hear this one. Does it involve a Mr. Fusion powered DeLorian?
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 12, 2010
I didn't say simple trades. I said simple patterns. It's not the same thing IMHO. A simple pattern is when you (or any child) can look at a chart and within maybe 10 seconds spot the patterns. So things like long term trend direction, strong S/R ...
No more BS - What have you learned?
- pip_daddy replied Sep 12, 2010
sigh........this is about his credibility that he is who he says he is. Indirect evidence suggests there are legitimate unanswered questions about that! It is not about his teaching ability or whether his methods can be made to work. Just about ANY ...
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 12, 2010
What exactly are you 'puzzled' by? I will be more than happy to clear up whatever it is you seem to be 'puzzled' about.
James16 is not credible
- pip_daddy replied Sep 12, 2010
KISS! Keep It Simple Stupid! If it is not something obvious enough for almost everyone staring at the charts to see then it's not going to have much influence. As anyone reading posts from people who have been on the inside with the big dogs will ...
No more BS - What have you learned?