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- GladysKnight replied Aug 31, 2007
SeekingLight's wisdom — SeekingLight, Thank you for your comprehensive response. You are correct in every sense except that you may have missed my most important point: With proper money management (proper for the very-beginner trader), it is ...
Destructive Patterns in Trading
- GladysKnight replied Aug 25, 2007
After all is said and done — Forex is more of a one-man business, after all. Are you relying on someone else to advise your trades? Or are you a bit scared, and do you need someone to cozy up next to you and hold your hand as you look at your ...
Forex trading not a one man biz
- GladysKnight replied Aug 25, 2007
Gladys breaks it down — LOL hehe, pour me one. The three most destructive ideas for new traders: 1. Trading first with a demo account instead of with a real money account. New traders would learn much more by trading a real money account using ...
Destructive Patterns in Trading
- GladysKnight replied Aug 12, 2007
Mike, there are many scalping systems that allow for a greater risk than reward per trade, no worries there. The important thing with that kind of risk/reward ratio is knowing stone-cold why you are willing to risk more than you plan to win from any ...
Success Stories--Those without Harvard Education, Aweso Mentors, or Genius Intellect.
- GladysKnight replied Aug 7, 2007
Numbers vs. Trend. — Lots of numbers floating around, and lots of question marks about those numbers. Just my opinion about what I understand from this thread: The magic is not in the A-H strategy. The magic depends on whether or not you still ...
Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain
- GladysKnight replied Aug 7, 2007
Beautiful picture Gwan! And if we are all wise in the picture, I would like to be wise and rich rather than wise and poor. I hope the same for you
What is your analogy refer to forex speculation?
- GladysKnight replied Aug 7, 2007
Tug of War — Price movement is like a game of tug of war. But in Forex, it's not a rope that connects the two teams, but a chain made up of links. Each link is a pip. The market maker stands at the exact center between each team, and adds ...
What is your analogy refer to forex speculation?
- GladysKnight replied Aug 7, 2007
Very nice charlinks. The limit/no limit poker idea fits like a glove.
What is your analogy refer to forex speculation?
- GladysKnight replied Aug 7, 2007
Speculation? — It's like moving to a foreign country and then after living there for several years in a row, you realize that there have been heavy rains in April of each year since you moved there. So a lightbulb goes off in your head. So ...
What is your analogy refer to forex speculation?
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
Good thing you didn't use the AH back then !
Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
Even if there were no brokers or market makers at all, there would still be a spread. Even if you yourself go out tomorrow to sell your bike on the street-corner, there is a spread, until someone agrees to your price. More directly, yes, if you use ...
Interactive Brokers - experiences and opinions
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
Thanks Tesla, just what I wanted to hear. We're talking about the limitations of a specific testing platform. I had a hard time swallowing the idea that institutional hedge fund managers are scratching their heads when it comes to simultaneous ...
Multiple pairs in a single backtest
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
Genius or Idiot? — Do you really need to be a genius to win? According to my monthly and weekly charts, you really need to be an idiot to lose.
Success Stories--Those without Harvard Education, Aweso Mentors, or Genius Intellect.
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
What's your timeframe? — What timeframe are you using, and for how long into the past do you see these two as correlated?
GPB corralated to S&P WHY!?!?!?!
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
Why no backtest on multiple pairs? — I've read it in so many posts in so many different threads that I've begun to accept it as truth: It's not possible to backtest a basket at a time. If this is true, why is this true? Does the historical ...
Multiple pairs in a single backtest
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
That paradox in some books — Reminds me of that paradox of travelling from point A to point B. If you are at point A and you want to end up at point B, then before you can arrive at point B, you have to first travel halfway there. The pattern ...
Can Currency Pair Go Zero ?
- GladysKnight replied Aug 5, 2007
Time value of S/R levels — Nice perspective Dialist, you have great peripheral vision. Curious if those values could still hold any sway in the practical sense, being so far back, meaning is it likely there are still orders pivoting around ...
Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain
- GladysKnight replied Jul 27, 2007
Read your quote, but then saw your signature: "Go BIG or go home" Just wondering about the divergence between your written text and your signature text. Hope you will comment, Gladys
MY trades with demo account
- GladysKnight replied Jul 27, 2007
So they say: 'Don't trade money you can't afford to lose.' — Everyone tells us "Don't trade with money that you aren't ready to lose." OK, Great advice. Once you swallow that idea for real and you are truly prepared to lose your account, then ...
MY trades with demo account
- GladysKnight replied Jul 25, 2007
Jacko's TP moves the market? — Jacko, I have a hunch that it was your closing of your positions that made the central banks a bit nervous and set off this latest retracement in EUR/USD. But really - your thread convinced me that I will never ...
Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain
- Posts by Trader Search: 'GladysKnight'