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- nightyhawk replied Jul 18, 2016
@ramzam: On your workstation visual backtesting will not be possible due to some strange bug within swingmans indicator. For taking just today into account change the parameter Daily_Back_Drawing to 0.
London close trading system for currencies
- nightyhawk replied Feb 17, 2013
Of course there is a difference.... First: Not all broker allow for micro or even smaller contract sizes. That means you can not handle your risk properly...... Second: The more you risk, the more price has to go to reach some nice risk-to-return - ...
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Feb 14, 2013
vic? I won't believe my eyes..... You are still alive out there in ichimokuland!
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Jun 20, 2011
.... Hey, have found that little piece here and want to comment something... In the code I found the following statement: //| Added filter Buy : Buy only when strong bullish crossover | //| Above Senkou Span A |which leads to the following line: ...
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Feb 8, 2011
When it not seems to be random then probably it is! Just have a look in any MT4 - M1 - History - File! There you'll only find the information I've mentioned above.
Weird MT4/ Strategy tester behavior observed
- nightyhawk replied Feb 8, 2011
Just an educated guess: MT4 assumes that each change in price will be the result of buying/selling at least one volume-lot. Therefore if a specific candle has a volume of e.g. 100 it means, that price has changed within that candle 100 times. MT4 ...
Weird MT4/ Strategy tester behavior observed
- nightyhawk replied Jan 11, 2011
According to his blog I want to cite one of his latest posts, where he stated that in 2011 he will:
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 30, 2010
Success comes not by changing some parameters and even not by "tweaking the ichi settings". Success is deeply located in yourself... so please see Ichi as what it is... a very powerful and reliable instrument to assist you in being successful!
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 27, 2010
Indeed, Manesh is just a simple author - BUT VIC IS VIC!
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 27, 2010
I don't think so... but vic surprised be more than once
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 23, 2010
@fxripper Please feel free to do so... we would appreciate it.
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 14, 2010
After watching your video I wonder what the hell you are doing all your day @Orange???
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 13, 2010
-- Only members with four or more vouchers can add to the Thread Rating. url
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 13, 2010
Depends on your personal settings - I am @375, hehe!
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 11, 2010
Hey kino, I wonder why your Indi is soooo large?! Mine has only 15kb and yours has proudly more than 70kb? Quite amazing....
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 11, 2010
The spread in pipettes! When I search for an entry in M15, I try to avoid spreads above 60 Pipettes!
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 10, 2010
I was wondering which pairs show an overall trend (respecting daily and weekly chart) and so I started my little piece of brain and MQL to evaluate that. And here is the final answer. (This is vics generous system, where Price above daily cloud ...
Ichimoku forever
- nightyhawk replied Dec 3, 2010
Do you know what is the best thing for today? MY BOSS told me not to work today... cause it is NFP... dunno what your BOSS keeps telling you but I'm relaxing....
Ichimoku forever