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- sammy_tega commented Apr 30, 2014
yeah worse than expected but better than previous the market is just pricing in. The best thing to do most times is just to go with the flow and now the flow says up
Euro area annual inflation up to 0.7%
- sammy_tega commented Apr 30, 2014
growth is growth right. something is better than nothing
Euro area annual inflation up to 0.7%
- sammy_tega commented Apr 6, 2014
thank you every losing pair needs someone to take a blame, it is really annoying seeing people blaming their misfortune or their lack of knowledge of the market on someone or something if u don't have it you don't, whether it is HFT or MMs if u have ...
High-frequency traders can’t front-run anyone
- sammy_tega commented Mar 24, 2014
you don't trade based on one news release and for an expected result which the market has already absorbed now that is wrong most people feel every high impact news has to create a volatile environment
HSBC Flash China Manufacturing PMI
- sammy_tega commented Mar 10, 2014
am seeing a 1.66 on my chart dude absumtion is the number 1 margin stop in this game
There’s the stops in cable
- sammy_tega commented Mar 6, 2014
the market has always been a place for traders to show their sentiment with the right catalyst the markets becomes flooded with it that is all we are seeing today pure traders sentiments
Webcast of the ECB press conference 6 March 2014
- sammy_tega commented Mar 6, 2014
but is the euro strong enough to do that right now i don't think so watch the chart if the euro can actual hit 400 pips on every other pair by the end of newyork section tomoro then let me but still if it does then good only means more money to be ...
Webcast of the ECB press conference 6 March 2014
- sammy_tega commented Mar 6, 2014
We continue to expect the key ECB interest rates to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time
Webcast of the ECB press conference 6 March 2014
- sammy_tega commented Mar 6, 2014
don't sweat except u are a day trader with lot of your money invested in it if not you are sure to get your money back its just a short term rally on the long run euro is will be giving away a lot of pips if uu really understand what he was talking ...
Webcast of the ECB press conference 6 March 2014
- sammy_tega commented Mar 6, 2014
as usual lot of gibberish most of u have no idea what u are really talking about do you?
ECB Monetary policy decisions
- sammy_tega commented Jan 30, 2014
lot of positive opinions here. ... hmm What if will be diferent? I say EURUSD sell with take profit at 1.18. Then rebouncing back to area 1.25-1.35 very ridiculous
Fed Cuts QE to $65 Billion Pace as Labor Market Improves Further
- sammy_tega commented Jan 30, 2014
[quote=Exodus;7246662]...last year's January release! nice one
Fed Cuts QE to $65 Billion Pace as Labor Market Improves Further
- sammy_tega commented Jan 30, 2014
like what have you been reasding if u don't understand then keep your commet to yourself and stop miss leading others
Fed Cuts QE to $65 Billion Pace as Labor Market Improves Further
- sammy_tega commented Jan 29, 2014
if that is how u trade then its a shame
Carney: The economics of currency unions
- sammy_tega commented Jul 30, 2013
you actually think tempering will begin September right most of us will be in a bad state by the end of tomorow
The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index Falls Slightly