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- takef586 replied May 16, 2010
To get to the institutional level, you have to be an institution (a company) and have a prime broker. If you want to try out your system on a real market, you can try Interactive Brokers, and use their forex feed, or (preferably) IMM futures. Their ...
Algorithmic Trading - Institutional Level
- takef586 replied May 5, 2010
Discount prices can only happen in the real interbank market if credit standing is inhibiting a match, i.e. you want to sell, but the guy bidding 11 is some small name you cannot do, so you offer at 10 hoping somebody will take it from you. As to ...
Can this inverted spread be real?
- takef586 replied May 4, 2010
OK, so I got the wrong impression, in practice you increase the position size, so that you still end up with some profit in case your stop is hit, and the amount of lots is unbound.( But your P&L graph will not be like a ratio backspread, because in ...
Optimized Risk vs Reward Equation
- takef586 replied May 2, 2010
My advice would be: 1) close this journal, as it is of no use for your trading 2) ask yourself a question if you are trading or investing 3) a 12% stop loss ? you are kidding yourself, and your trailing stop will never let you reach your profit ...
CKH Trading Journal
- takef586 replied May 2, 2010
I have stumbled occasionally on this thread, and it has amused me quite a lot - after all it is a cloudy Sunday afternoon, and the race is blocking my path to the port, so I sit at home. I got the impression that twoblink is a very intelligent, and ...
Optimized Risk vs Reward Equation
- takef586 replied Apr 19, 2010
My current time frame is intraday at max, and preferably I like to trade several times a day per strategy. To trade high frequency, you have to get inside the spread, which is complicated and can be expensive if you run it across various platforms. ...
A Lot of Money and Risk
- takef586 replied Apr 15, 2010
Well, I do not know about the equities, but there is no such thing as price in Forex. What I mean, is that beyond a few organized auction hubs like EBS, Reuters Dealing ir IMM forex futures, everything else is a dubious representation of a real ...
challenges of developing forex trading system vs. equity and other EAs
- takef586 replied Apr 14, 2010
Contact directly UBS, if you trade with them, they will even send you the alerts via SMS.
Other source for UBS FX Research other than Oanda?
- takef586 replied Apr 13, 2010
@plasmapants The three abovementioned names are in the category of bucket shops, i.e. equivalent to a rigged gambling ring, the interbank aggregators like Currenex are limited to institutional trading and have their own problems, but they do not ...
A Lot of Money and Risk
- takef586 replied Apr 12, 2010
When you go to trade on these aggregated platforms, you discover all sorts of things: there are prices you never see and some prices you see are not there... The broker will not tell you much at first, because he wants your commisions, however ask ...
A Lot of Money and Risk
- takef586 replied Apr 12, 2010
As far as trading in tight distances is concerned, you would have to be extremely smart to overcome the trading costs. When your machine sees the price change and wants to follow the market, you will often get filled at a price much worse than ...
A Lot of Money and Risk
- takef586 replied Apr 12, 2010
There is a fundamental difference between EBS or Reuters Dealing and the likes of Currenex. The first is a closed network with "almost" equal rights for all participants (there are some limitations for algo traders), and beyond the credit issue all ...
A Lot of Money and Risk
- takef586 replied Apr 12, 2010
glennl You do not know what you are doing, stop this before it ends up in tears. The first thing you do not know, is that these so called "brokers" are looking at you like at a turkey on a thanksgiving. They will certainly alter the real price once ...
A Lot of Money and Risk
- takef586 replied Mar 2, 2010
It is a pity Jupiter has stopped. I find his approach very reasonable, if a bit too complicated. I have been through similar research on ranges and volatility years ago, and since I have been using that in intraday trading, I preferred to keep ...
A Systematic Approach to Markets
- takef586 replied Mar 2, 2010
Simple. Anything which is not going to be matched against another guy plugging in an order, i.e. 99.99% of your trading volume, will still be going to be subject to the "approval" of the market maker. FXCM is a known bucket shop BTW, so there is no ...
Systematic trading
- takef586 replied Mar 2, 2010
There is no point in doing that, because you are in no position to negotiate anything, and your money is always at risk. The only solution is to trade currency futures through a reliable broker. This way you get what you see. The spreads migh not be ...
Scalping 10 sec., 30 sec., M1
- takef586 replied Mar 2, 2010
Forexcube, I know this might sound discouraging, but I have actually traded on Oanda with real money, and I can tell you, that unless you are kind enough to start losing your money off the bat and fast, they will not let you make anything. Oanda ...
Scalping 10 sec., 30 sec., M1
- takef586 replied Mar 2, 2010
On platforms like this, only the end users are actually being matched against each other, while the liquidity providers typically have the right to reject and typically they inhibit trading among themselves. It can be different e.g. on Hot Spot Pro, ...
Systematic trading
- takef586 replied Mar 2, 2010
I am not trying to ruin your feast. However, since I have an extensive experience in trading forex short term, I am convinced that testing anything on a demo is pointless. It is also pointless to make any short term system "react" to anything, like ...
Scalping 10 sec., 30 sec., M1