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- Conscript commented Jun 12, 2016
Here in Romania we had a referendum back in 2009 regarding the number of legislative chambers of the parliament.The people voted with 77% in favour of a single legislative chambered parliament and a reduction in the number of members to 300.7 years ...
Betting odds, poll indicate rising chance of Brexit
- Conscript commented Jun 11, 2016
Brexit or no Brexit Britain will be in the EU.
Betting odds, poll indicate rising chance of Brexit
- Conscript commented Jun 11, 2016
Anybody remember the greek referendum. Greeks voted 61% against the bailout proposed by the EU and in the end the government signed a new 3 year bailout program which was worse than the former.So polls might not matter here either.
Betting odds, poll indicate rising chance of Brexit
- Conscript commented Mar 3, 2016
Agree ISIS representative please create FF user and create trade explorer so we can all observe your trading strategy
Islamic State 'earning millions by playing the stock market'. Just don't post your location and trade through proxy servers or the jealous americans and russians will bomb you.
- Conscript commented Feb 21, 2016
I love this... fifty years from now if I will still be alive and forexfactory stil here I'll still be able to read Greek bailout and debt-relief headlines and.Only diffrence will be the size of the aid packages which will be in trillions of euros or ...
EU lenders working on plan for gradual Greek debt relief - Greek paper
- Conscript commented Feb 17, 2016
Thanks... was hoping for 16320 on nikkei now I might get sl
Amid signs of trouble, Abe rules out stimulus for now
- Conscript commented Feb 16, 2016
You know you want it... Come on... don't deny
Fed's Harker: Reluctant to consider another QE programme, but would not rule it out...
- Conscript commented Feb 2, 2016
Either the above statement is a lie meant for brits to feel better about staying in the EU or other country members will want to renegotiate their agrement with EU for better terms too, which will lead to a neverending competitive negotiation(which ...
EU/UK deal draft details released
- Conscript commented Jan 24, 2016
Yes must have spooked the polar bears too
Major 7.1-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Southern Alaska
- Conscript commented Jan 22, 2016
I know but now it happened the other way arroun,CAD lead everything maybe because of POLOZ dissapointing rate hold at 0,5%.Guess market was realy pricing that 0,25% cut
US EIA oil inventories +3979 vs +2200K
- Conscript commented Jan 21, 2016
Strange inventories up and oil up. Maybe oil is tractorbeamed by strong CAD
US EIA oil inventories +3979 vs +2200K
- Conscript commented Jan 21, 2016
FED hiked, Manufacturing PMI already at recession levels, Maybe recession there first
Draghi's Oil-Crash Struggle Evokes ECB Reply to 2011 Spike
- Conscript commented Jan 21, 2016
Think it's more likely about oil.
Pound pummelled again on renewed Brexit fears
- Conscript commented Jan 20, 2016
Fiscal measures people... Yay go CAD
BOC Monetary Policy Report - Press Conference (Video) - January 2016
- Conscript commented Jan 20, 2016
if s&p goes to 1500 or lower, there's nothing to do but pray the yen will weaken, cause it ain't going to no matter how much BOJ says it will print.
Japanese government official says they are closely watching currency markets
- Conscript commented Jan 19, 2016
Yes just like inflation in the us is at ~8% based on 1980 methodology not 0.5%
China’s Economy Realized a Moderate but Stable and Sound Growth in 2015
- Conscript commented Jan 18, 2016
Yes, based on what you have written here, the 1% seem to be very decent guys, but if you don't bury yourself in debt and your grandchildren to like some of the 99% do, some may consider you evil and mischievous.
Richest 1% Now Wealthier Than the Rest of the World, Oxfam Says
- Conscript commented Jan 18, 2016
I'm in the rest 99% and I say fuck the 99 and their delusional ideas.
Richest 1% Now Wealthier Than the Rest of the World, Oxfam Says
- Conscript commented Jan 18, 2016
Why does anybody care about the richest one percent, there have been many titles like this in the past years, are they trying to incite a revolution or what.
Richest 1% Now Wealthier Than the Rest of the World, Oxfam Says