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- 51 Results (1 Threads, 50 Replies)
- MikeG replied Dec 1, 2007
url — www.james16group.com Period. End of story. If one can't learn to trade with Jim, they can't learn to trade at all. Okay, that was an unrealistic and extreme statement, but I really do believe that Jim's group is far and above the best ...
Best Course or Traning sytem you'll recommend ?
- MikeG replied Aug 23, 2007
Hi fxnostrum and welcome to Forex Factory. You do realize that this thread is nearly two years old don't you? And gabroo_munda hasn't posted at Forex Factory since 9/11/06? Since it isn't likely that ol' gabroo is going to reply, I'll answer your ...
Looking for Advice
- MikeG replied Aug 17, 2007
Here's my take on the EURUSD daily as regards Jacko's method, along with how I use Jim's stuff to support it. (from the PF, not "for free" (whine).) Turniphead, Jacko's stuff is an exception, but not all the best info is "for free" (whine). See ...
Jacko's Forex House of Pleasure and Pain
- MikeG replied Aug 17, 2007
No hurry. The PF isn't geared to absolute beginners, but to traders who know the basics but are tired of getting their teeth kicked in. So don't join until you are ready. As for me, my track record in the twelve months before joining the PF was 2 ...
Lessons learnt from forexfactory beginners forum
- MikeG replied Aug 17, 2007
Well, to be fair, tdion does have useful things to say on occasion. I'm just turned off by him/her because I perceive him/her as negative and cynical. Sorry tdion, but that's how you come across to me. Michele UU
Lessons learnt from forexfactory beginners forum
- MikeG replied Aug 16, 2007
Excellent post thh!! You have your head turned on straight. Like you, finding Forex Factory was the beginning of my turning from a losing trader into a winning one. There are many great folks here worth reading. I suggest you search for all posts by ...
Lessons learnt from forexfactory beginners forum
- MikeG replied Jul 6, 2007
Hi, Not quite sure what you're hung up on here, but let me ask you something. Have you even bothered to read Diallist's Money Management sticky thread at the top of the Forex Beginner's Q&A forum? (Psst, it's the forum you're in now.) If you haven't ...
The simplest question about MM
- MikeG replied May 14, 2007
Just in case Dial doesn't see your post: For info on joining the PF, just click on the colorful logo at the bottom of Dial's posts. Doing so will take you to www.james16group.com where you can sign up. FYI, I'm a lifetime member of the PF and I am ...
For people using Vegas 4hr
- MikeG replied Jan 15, 2007
Team Aphid Rocks!!! — Team Aphid Rocks, BIG TIME! I don't know their names...Dial won't tell me
The Bat...a strategy by Team Aphid, but I have benefited from their gifts, and I welcome them here with enthusiasm! Welcome Team Aphid!!! Michele UU
- MikeG replied Nov 20, 2006
INCURRING THE WRATH OF THE MODERATORS????? THIS FUCKING PISSES ME OFF!!!!! Whew, okay, that's out of my system! Niceguy, if it wasn't for the hard work the mods put into keeping this place clean, the Factory would turn into a cesspool like moneytec ...
PIP Caluculation
- MikeG replied Nov 2, 2006
Very nice post Matt! I hope this spawns a fluteful discussion!! BTW, you're breaking forum rules by posting a link while you have less than 50 posts. Therefore, I'm quoting the link here before the mods delete it from your post. Michele UU
Absolute Simplest KISS Method. Also, how do we measure risk reward?
- MikeG replied Oct 3, 2006
Um, I know I'm a dumb, big breasted blonde and all, but it seems to me that to play this game you have to ante up (join the PF) and get dealt some cards (get info from PF). Since you've done neither, how, exactly, were you planning on ...
Beginners unite!
- MikeG replied Aug 21, 2006
Oh good grief!! MrFuture, first welcome to the forum. You are right! This is the location of the most positive, helpful traders you'll find anywhere. This is because the moderators do a fantastic job of bouncing the riff-raff (don't know why I ...
Pips and Leverage....
- MikeG replied Aug 17, 2006
Hi Sweetie! And your charting software is.........? Michele UU
How the heck do I [simple moving average, (H + L)/2
- MikeG replied Aug 13, 2006
So very true habeeb! Especially given the vast amount of information already available, and new stuff is being added all the time. My signature states clearly how I feel about the PF! James16
what is james16 forum about??Diallist
Fijitrader ...
- MikeG replied Aug 1, 2006
Ditto what East and CiCi said!!! James16 Group ROCKS!!! Of course, I might be just a teensie bit biased because what I learned from them has made me money. And I especially agree with CiCi about those rip off seminars. 99.9% of them are junk. Also ...
what is the best way to learn forex trading
- MikeG replied Jul 13, 2006
Hi DW, First, my condolences on your loss due to Katrina. Second, my congratulations on your maintaining a forward looking attitude in spite of the losses. This will serve you well in trading forex. Third, I applaud your wisdom in seeking help from ...
I Need A Mentor!!! Here's Why...
- MikeG replied Jun 30, 2006
Oh Lapis! I just read your post, and it gave me the shivers because you expressed perfectly how I feel about the PF and why I too am an ongoing member. What you said about it being ongoing is right on. With each new post from Fiji, Jim and Dial I ...
Early comments on the PF
- MikeG replied Jun 20, 2006
As usual.
Successful strategiesHey Fryes! What is that in your avatar? A woman, or a mermaid? I can't quite tell if the thing sticking out on the right is a tail or just a couple of fries. I can see that she has boobs...... Like Me!! UU Michele UU
- MikeG replied May 31, 2006
Dial, you're a party pooper! I had a great reply all ready to post too.
Learning About Price ActionMichele UU