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- TheThing replied Nov 25, 2008
Yes, this happens a lot, but we're following the rules at least
EOD trading systemGBPCHF should work out also if it is not a bottom of downtrend.
- TheThing replied Nov 24, 2008
NZDCHF on my charts stock just crossed 50 to the upside and there is no tick down yet..as for NZDCAD, yeah, as for me, too close to 50..
EOD trading system
- TheThing replied Nov 24, 2008
we're in the same boat then
EOD trading systemwill be using micro lots and only 1% of my account..Good luck to both of us!
- TheThing replied Nov 24, 2008
Good! we'll see if Paulus considers this one as a valid signal..still 1 or 2 hours to go.. Cheers, TT
EOD trading system
- TheThing replied Nov 24, 2008
Hello everyone! Does anyone planning on taking short GBP/CHF? Anyone with me?
EOD trading system
- TheThing replied Jun 17, 2008
Hello! I got experience with this indicator you're talking about. The strategy it is based on looks very similar to BigBen strategy or 100 pips Nicotina strategy posted in FF. The idea is to wait for a breakout from Asian session in the first hours ...
The DIBS Method... No Free Lunch continues
- TheThing replied Mar 17, 2008
Dear Harold, Would you please clarify why do you use 127.2% Fibo expansion lvl as one of your targets? The reason I ask is that is common to use 123.6 ,138.2, 161.8, 200 and so on..Why 127.2? Have you found some special things about this lvl? Thank ...
the key to the mint
- TheThing replied Mar 16, 2008
I totally agree Harold! Joe Ross plays 123 formations as reverse patterns. He looks for established downtrend and finds 123 Low for a possible change in a trend. Or uptrend and then 123 High for a move down. With Key to Mind strategy you're trading ...
the key to the mint
- TheThing replied Mar 16, 2008
Hello everyone! First of all I would like to thank Harold and all the guys who trading with simple but powerful 123 setup ups and developing this thread
the key to the mintMy small contribution will be a very good reading by Joe Ross "Trading Ross Hook". ...
- TheThing replied Mar 9, 2008
For everyone interested in this topic there are some good readings
feel for the market - weekly and daily trading
- TheThing replied Mar 9, 2008
As for me they can be played both
feel for the market - weekly and daily tradingWill watching this thread with interest!
- TheThing replied Mar 9, 2008
Hi Teb
feel for the market - weekly and daily tradingI think it'll be an excellent thread! Trading naked with 123 patterns or peaks and valleys is a great way to learn and to feel the market! I wonder - are you looking for 123 formations in existing trend or as a reverse pattern for a change ...
- TheThing replied Jan 16, 2008
I think he means month of Jan and days 1-4, 8,9,11 of Jan, not perfect days trading with this method. But from quick visual test this strategy looks good. Will research further. Thanks for sharing
13 low 13 high MA 1 hr chart SystemTT.
- TheThing replied Dec 10, 2007
Hello and thanks for sharing
X-Rated IBs & OBsThe question I would like to ask what is your trading time? Because I can see many times IB's are forming during Asian session when the market is not so active for this pair..As for your charts it's seems like trades ...
- TheThing replied Dec 4, 2007
Hello! For how long are you trying to trade with PA stuff? The reason I ask is that the learnng path of successful trader is long, very long, almost infinitive
james16 Chart ThreadAnd that's the reason only 5% of people win at this game. There are 2 ways of trading ...
- TheThing replied Dec 1, 2007
An option.. — Hello! If you don't care about the price I would recommend Todd Mitchel course. It's quite expensive but worth it. But have a look at James16 group - it's much cheaper but they have everything one may need to make money out from ...
Best Course or Traning sytem you'll recommend ?
- TheThing replied Nov 21, 2007
Yup, a nice one
Strategy to take safe pips every day: In my previous examples I entered right at the break of a signal candle not at the break of previous to the signal candle. I know it smth against the rules of the system as JohnyForex already explained but this is the way I see ...
- TheThing replied Nov 21, 2007
I was watching this one also. But as you can see 2.0600 is an important level, many times it played as support and resistance in the past, so called price pivot. Besides round numbers are always psychological barriers for the people so I would skip ...
Strategy to take safe pips every day