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- R.Lloyd77 replied Oct 3, 2021
To anyone here i have a tip for an Algo. Is a reversal strategy ,based on Z-score . Z-Score =(Mean-X) Standard Deviation Use a period of 10 years for average and St.Dev or tweak it as you want to find a perfect Quality of signal to Frequency of ...
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- R.Lloyd77 replied May 14, 2021
I would say that my "holy grail" is a psychological tough/trigger. That is thinking about the trading as a probabilistic game,and if i stick to my risk managment rules ,statistically i am on advantage and my theory holds. And if my theory holds i ...
What was your "holy grail"?
- R.Lloyd77 replied May 14, 2021
Antimartingale is a perfect combination.and with statistical evidence of a real edge on the markets. Add size when the trade is with you , Decrease size when is against you
Martingale or not martingale?
- R.Lloyd77 replied May 14, 2021
@Hi Tony ! unfortunately the video have been removed,do you have a new link for it ? Thank you very much
Central Banks & Big PlayersBtw i would like to go on reading your story go on a lil bit with it XD
- R.Lloyd77 replied May 13, 2021
Me too ! Would be extremly useful !
EA Close out all open positions on certain level of equity
- R.Lloyd77 replied May 13, 2021
Yeah right @remonpilip ,but you have to check your broker overnight rates too,as they always tend to diverge from real ones,and always on a negative tendency for us traders,in fact most of the times you 'll find your trade in carry debit,even if the ...
Carry trade vs carry trader
- R.Lloyd77 replied May 13, 2021
Hi ! But why precisely 8 and 34 EMA's ,what do represents those numbers ?
8 EMA Above/Below
- Posts by Trader Search: 'R.Lloyd77'