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- 40 Results (32 Replies, 8 Comments)
- Smoko replied Apr 14, 2019
4xPipaholic is the thread starter of Crucifixion channel, so they blocked anyone that doesn't agree with them. Hmmm, definitely not a free speech advocate LOL.
[FX/Binary/Nadex] Single Candle S'n'D Technique w/ Low DD's
- Smoko replied Apr 14, 2019
Those gutless mods blocked me from posting on their Crucifixion channel, LOL.
[FX/Binary/Nadex] Single Candle S'n'D Technique w/ Low DD'sThey can't handle the truth! I was very civil over there, unlike the likes of "okto ban" who couldn't keep pace
Thought I would show what's happening to ...
- Smoko replied Apr 12, 2019
No sir, you are the blind leading the blind just as the poor unsuspecting Spaniard above shows you leading the herd of FF members to the slaughter of the SM and Funds. I have made my point, far more wasted energy than anticipated but it will suffice ...
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- Smoko replied Apr 12, 2019
Of course I liked it, why else am I wasting my energy on these posts and replies?
Scammers - Hall of ShameLike I asked before please keep up to pace. I am posting to share my thoughts with the lovely subscribers of FF on what I believed was a ...
- Smoko replied Apr 12, 2019
haha, you indeed are incorrect with your judgement, again! Please pay attention or you will be left behind. Please try to keep up with the pace sir. You were too quick off the mark. Try to think before you exude your vomit. image
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- Smoko replied Apr 12, 2019
You are wrong again. You missed me, a non affiliate of any of your accused pranksters.
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- Smoko replied Apr 12, 2019
You sir are the danger. It was refreshing to have a thread like FXCyborg's, and for whatever intentions it was created there was no doubt that it was useful and informative and Free. NO there was no freewill to decide it's usefulness by subscribers, ...
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- Smoko replied Mar 4, 2019
I guess FF is all about the mods (not members), and only their views count. I've seen enough!
[FX/Binary/Nadex] Single Candle S'n'D Technique w/ Low DD's
- Smoko replied Mar 4, 2019
wow, kenshin, wow is that it? So, FXC mentioned he had clients but we all knew that, so nothing surreptitious there.
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- Smoko replied Mar 4, 2019
Definitely a witch hunt of sorts, look at the "Hall of Shame" forum what they are saying about FXC (and anyone that asks questions about him) is disgusting and they are allowed to get away with it. Sad
High Level Accuracy Method With Little To NO Draw-downurl
- Smoko replied Mar 4, 2019
thanx pal, you are true to your name
Mastering the Fakeout / Stop Hunt Candle
- Smoko replied Mar 4, 2019
I just read the trader code of conduct and I cannot see which part was breached. Can you please direct me to the section below that was breached by FXCyborg? Thanx VIII. No commercial agendas Members may not use Forex Factory to promote a product or ...
[FX/Binary/Nadex] Single Candle S'n'D Technique w/ Low DD's
- Smoko replied Mar 4, 2019
Hey there Red, what does this mean for the thread? cheers
Mastering the Fakeout / Stop Hunt Candle
- Smoko replied Mar 4, 2019
so, what does it mean that Sean Connery has placed FXC in Commercial content? Does anything change? cheers
Mastering the Fakeout / Stop Hunt Candle
- Smoko replied Mar 3, 2019
TRN's Trend Reactionary Numbers (actual numbers not just levels).
[FX/Binary/Nadex] Single Candle S'n'D Technique w/ Low DD's
- Smoko replied Mar 3, 2019
Sad to hear that about Tom, he seemed genuine (unlike a lot of sharks back then). After failing to trade with many robots/EA's since 2008
[FX/Binary/Nadex] Single Candle S'n'D Technique w/ Low DD's, I read his book "Forex Confidante" in 2011 which inspired me to dig deeper into the workings of the Markets ...
- Smoko replied Feb 22, 2019
ICT hasn't taken a live trade for over 2 years now (demo only, and not real time), very good marketer though. He can preach but he can't teach, unfortunately haven't seen one of his pupils that has succeeded using strictly ICT methods - happy to be ...
High Level Accuracy Method With Little To NO Draw-down
- Smoko commented Jan 11, 2019
a couple of big things stand out about Sanchez. Yes, is it just me or does she look like that Gloria on Modern Family?
Bezos 'has been having an affair, sharing sexy selfies' and only announced his $140bn split...
- Smoko commented Dec 3, 2018
hi kingleen are you able to post what Your analyst has told you re Brexit outcome?
GBPUSD Breakout Imminent as Price Action Narrows
- Smoko commented Aug 7, 2018
nothing new, RK likes to promote his tours with headlines, so tell everyone a crash is coming (just don't know when)
Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki warns ‘biggest crash’ is comingget's the attention
He makes some interesting points about education.