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- johneo9 replied Oct 22, 2014
Sorry to revive an old thread but how exactly did you solve the problem? What do you mean by "combined the two indicators"?
EA Backtesting Speed
- johneo9 replied Jan 21, 2014
Yeah, i'm going to give this a try on a demo account. But what that trader did is pretty incredible. $9639698.0 in less than a year, with a starting balance of only $500. And only 6 very small losses in 120 trades. I was shocked when I saw this ...
Daytrading/scalping with high leverage - my proven strategy
- johneo9 replied Jan 21, 2014
Is that trader Favorite? This system looks pretty awesome.
Daytrading/scalping with high leverage - my proven strategy
- johneo9 replied Aug 3, 2013
Hi, do you know if there are Stop Close Only Orders in Metatrader4 for specific time frames, like 1 hour? I've looked around on the net but did not find anything. Thanks, John
Ask Me Anything!
- johneo9 replied Jun 29, 2013
I have practiced with etoro for more that a year and have traded on a real account there for like 5 months. I must say, it is great for complete beginners but when you get quite experienced, better move to another one. One downside is that the ...
Etoro reviews
- johneo9 replied Jun 25, 2013
Thanks a lot for this. It really helped. I've been doing some research on this and there is a book that comes up frequently as a good recommendation. It's "Day Trading the Currency Market: Technical and Fundamental Strategies To Profit from Market ...
Looking for book recommendations on Fundamental Analysis
- Posts by Trader Search: 'johneo9'