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- Coondawg71 replied Feb 4, 2020
The $50 level is where the current (front month CLH2020) minus the CLZ2020 (December) has gone flat. Part of the trade structure of hedge funds has hit a speed bump. Should the front month get cheaper than the December contract, its a more bearish ...
WTI Crude Oil Trading
- Coondawg71 replied Jan 29, 2020
Commodity Spreads are where the serious amounts of money are being traded. Spread trades in general for that matter. One really good reference tool for studying the action of Spread Trading is spreadcharts.com url Click on the "go to the app" ...
High Impact Events Trading... Energy Edition
- Coondawg71 replied Jan 29, 2020
Nice work on the post! It's safe to assume that the builds are the restocking of inventories while oil is "out of season". Referencing the Seasonality of the Crude vs Nat Gas relationship. Crude tends to top off in the late spring (U.S.) to mid ...
High Impact Events Trading... Energy Edition
- Coondawg71 replied Dec 11, 2019
Don't forget to calculate the broker spreads into your exits. On oil, during times of high volume/liquidity, its narrows down to about 4 cents above and below price quotes, which is the Midpoint price! Bake that into your entries as well and you'll ...
WTI Crude Oil Trading
- Coondawg71 replied Sep 30, 2016
Great thread you have "The Fool". I personally have been experimenting trading options of stocks which have earnings releases in the near term. Looking for depressed price action with upcoming volatility. I look soley for OTM call options of stock ...
Let's Trade Options
- Coondawg71 replied Jul 19, 2016
@PAStalker Keep in mind, we are only mid-month. We could easily see that "gap" filled by month end. @ nonLinear Great post, got a laugh out of it. When there are only 13 or so banks and you are the top 3 or 4, You are on the top of the food chain ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- Coondawg71 replied Jul 19, 2016
@skenobi, Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it.
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- Coondawg71 replied Jul 18, 2016
@srmfx Thanks for the reply! I appreciate it. I've been tracking Fix for quite a while and it certainly seems to be an established fill level that is used in the immediate days that follow it but I have never found any piece of factual information ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- Coondawg71 replied Jul 17, 2016
Fantastic thread. Love the intel offered by the pro's !!! I have a question please: Did the daily Forex Fix rates play a role in your entries and exits. I imagine they are in place as a means of reference for the instutional trading firms. Thanks! ...
Is anyone here an institutional trader?
- Coondawg71 replied Feb 19, 2016
continued, we see price worked within the last WRB top and bottom. The first bar after the WRB closed up, inside the WRB, indicating retracement price action to follow. sjc image
Commit to the Trade
- Coondawg71 replied Feb 18, 2016
continued.... We see that the bar indeed closed lower and actually became another WRB. Downside targets remain. I'm still working with/learning how to utilized WRB best, you will see there is an additional support/resistance level added on the WRB ...
Commit to the Trade
- Coondawg71 replied Feb 18, 2016
@ TraderinSD, Thanks! Here I have a EuroUsd 4 hr chart. I see some obvious targets below offered by a WRB from the prior weeks. I add a median (dashed blue horizontal). Very interesting price action in the recent past: something you have mentioned ...
Commit to the Trade
- Coondawg71 replied Feb 17, 2016
@TraderinSD, Here is how I see how to read a chart with WRB: 1. WRB draw my attention to a specific point in price action. The WRB is either a move to Supply/Demand or a repricing of an Fx pair after a high impact event. 2. I mark the open and the ...
Commit to the Trade
- Coondawg71 replied Feb 13, 2016
@TraderinSD, Another chart that is offering some great points of interest, AudUsd. sjc image
Commit to the Trade
- Coondawg71 replied Feb 13, 2016
@TraderinSD, Thanks for the compliment. Just trying to help/offer my experience. My apologies, I didn't realize my cursor(blue dashed x,y lines) were blocking the image. I look forward to more posts within the thread. sjc
Commit to the Trade
- Coondawg71 replied Feb 13, 2016
@TraderinSD, Great thread you have created. This is the way I wish knew how to trade BEFORE I actually started "trading"/losing my funds years ago. Keep up the great posts and education of how retail traders should be looking at price action. Since ...
Commit to the Trade
- Coondawg71 replied Dec 1, 2015
And there we go, GDT rises 3.6%, and whole milk powder rises 5.3%
- Coondawg71 replied Dec 1, 2015
Karpa, Thanks for the link. In my experience of trading, long term forecasts can be very misleading. We need to know what will happen this week, today, tomorrow and trade on that information. Trading on "fundamental" news has burned me every time. ...
- Coondawg71 replied Dec 1, 2015
When talking US$ strength, I don't think you can count that against the Kiwi. If you look at all the Major US$ pairs, Kiwi has been the most resilient. It's the outlier. I trade GbpNzd almost exclusively. It's been amazing how the Kiwi has been in ...