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- Noob Trader commented Jul 2, 2017
Seems upmove is fabricated, shorted with Friday high SL
Japan PM's party suffers historic defeat in Tokyo poll, popular governor wins big
- Noob Trader commented Jul 2, 2017
JPY may weaken if Abe moves to populist measure.
Japan PM's party suffers historic defeat in Tokyo poll, popular governor wins big
- Noob Trader commented Aug 6, 2014
Putin bans agricultural imports from sanctioning countries for 1 year... Putin Rocks
USD moves lower in the last few minutes on no new fundamental news
- Noob Trader commented Mar 27, 2014
all central banks want to drop their currency and these wants to rise. God bless citizen.
RBNZ’s Spencer sees Christchurch rebuild adding to inflation risk
- Noob Trader commented Mar 14, 2014
Putin will capture it no doubt in that. @Airz12 only good would be no retaliation from US else south pole
Putin Is Preparing To Invade Eastern Ukraine: Estonian Def Min
- Noob Trader commented Mar 10, 2014
Do opposite to what expert ask... chances of bullseye is much more than trading with them.
EUR/USD: Major Convergence Of Resistance; Cable: End Of Phase? - Commerzbank
- Noob Trader commented Dec 1, 2013
Forget taper till mid 2014 or Congress elections
EUR/USD Forecast December 2-6
- Noob Trader commented Sep 18, 2013
Sooner FED get rid of easy money, better it will be for US Economy
With the end of Fed's QE in sight, U.S. public says 'Huh?'
- Noob Trader commented Aug 21, 2013
Carnage postponed for next date.
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee
- Noob Trader commented Mar 5, 2013
spending cuts will be horrible decision, what US needs to avoid unnecessary cost cutting instead of blanket spending cuts
Sequester Leaves US in 'Fantasy World'
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