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- 68 Results (10 Threads, 58 Replies)
- tradewiser replied Oct 1, 2015
Thanks for your help but I was looking for mtf + multiple currency pairs dashboard.
james16 Chart Thread
- tradewiser replied Sep 30, 2015
Hi, Does anyone know if there is a dashboard or scanner that shows the various James16 price patterns across multiple time frames and currency pairs? Thanks
james16 Chart Thread
- tradewiser replied Jul 3, 2014
Mike, I've been really busy at work so I haven't had the time to join the private group yet. I didn't know that a new site is coming. What will be the difference between the new site and current one? Also will the membership options be the same? ...
james16 Chart Thread
- tradewiser replied May 26, 2014
Thanks for the feedback. Interesting that essentially the magnetic lines develop from triangles. The importance of the triangle to mathematics and the world around us is absolutely tremendous.
Magnetic Line Trading with KiwiOz
- tradewiser replied May 26, 2014
Thanks Caldera for a really useful indicator. I applied it to the GBPUSD below. There are 2 horizontal lines produced. The one at the 1.69 level I understand but why is there one at the 1.67 level? image
Magnetic Line Trading with KiwiOz
- tradewiser replied Feb 11, 2014
Hi Eitan, I don't see any conditions for entry from your posts. What are the conditions for entry? Thanks
Eitan's Project
- tradewiser replied Jan 26, 2014
Hi, Can someone please create the indicator for the sigmaspike indicator explained below: SigmaSpikes is a tool to express each bar’s return against a volatility-adjusted baseline, as a standard deviation of the last 20 bars’ returns. This ...
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- tradewiser replied Jan 16, 2014
Hi Mim2005, Just found your thread. Some great insights into trading here. Are you going to be updating this thread?
My progress as a full-time investor & trader
- tradewiser replied Jan 8, 2014
I already did that. Thanks for your advice and for all the great indicators you've provided for free
Hanover replies to PMs
- tradewiser replied Jan 6, 2014
Hi Hanover, Do you know of a zigzag or swing indicator which draws the up and down legs a different color? I don't mind paying for it if it needs to be coded up. Thanks
Hanover replies to PMs
- tradewiser replied Jan 6, 2014
Hi, I've been looking everywhere but I can't find a zigzag or swing indicator which draws the up and down legs a different colour (like in the attached picture). Does anyone know where i can find one (or make one up) please? Thanks
I will code your EAs and Indicators for no charge
- tradewiser replied Mar 25, 2013
Hi SP, Which levels would you look at if you are just trading off daily charts? I assume it the monthly high, low, close and open? Thanks
Ramblings of a Forex Junkie
- tradewiser replied Nov 17, 2012
I'm new to this indicator. Is there an english version of the parameter explanation of ZUP 120? I looked around but can't find one.
Harmonic and Classic Patterns
- tradewiser replied Sep 25, 2012
GKFX Spread Betting — Hi 60minuteman, What's your experiance so far with GKFX for Spread Betting?
Buy sell line trading
- tradewiser replied Sep 13, 2012
Question for Mike — Hi Mike, Can you please explain your thought process when you look at a new chart? Is there a mental checklist you go through? Sorry if this question has been asked before. Thanks Walid
james16 Chart Thread
- tradewiser replied Aug 22, 2012
Thanks mzvega. I'll look into it.
Auction Market Theory and Market Profile
- tradewiser replied Aug 21, 2012
Hi everyone, Does anyone know where I can find a MP indicator where I can select the start date and end date for the profile using the vertical lines on the MT4 chart? Thanks Wal
Auction Market Theory and Market Profile
- tradewiser replied Jun 21, 2012
Advanced Price Action Course — Thanks for your reply Chris. I was just looking at the details of your Advanced Price Action Course on your website and you mention that it includes "quantitative data". What do you mean by that? Is the data ...
Price Action, Pro, And Ichi Trading with 2ndskiesforex