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- Skracor247 commented Nov 20, 2024
That is assuming the US government continues to allow Monopoly, which is outlawed. Competition should thrive internally if Monopoly is properly prosecuted.
Trump tariffs to push down U.S. growth 'a great deal' going into 2026, Morgan Stanley warns
- Skracor247 commented Nov 20, 2024
In my opinion, the difference is in the long term. Enterprising Americans will be able to manufacture goods at competitive prices within the US. Increased manufacturing will increase demand for workers, increasing their wages in tandem. More US ...
Trump tariffs to push down U.S. growth 'a great deal' going into 2026, Morgan Stanley warns
- Skracor247 commented Jul 30, 2020
Not necessary. If huge crowds can protest voting in person is completely safe.
Trump calls for election delay so people can properly, securely and safely vote
- Skracor247 commented May 29, 2020
Yep. Also deflationary is defaulting on your mortgage. 680T derivatives right now. If those start to crash out the banks are in even bigger trouble. Then the FED will own the whole country.
U.S. savings rate hits record 33% as coronavirus causes Americans to stockpile cash, curb...
- Skracor247 commented May 29, 2020
Look for more stimulus to the people to try to encourage them to spend. Saving = Deflationary Pressure. By the way. Despite all the MEGA printing, we are still seeing dollar strength. The huge deflationary event still isn't over.
U.S. savings rate hits record 33% as coronavirus causes Americans to stockpile cash, curb...
- Skracor247 commented Apr 29, 2020
True inflation and hyperinflation show up in those items that are truly 'needs'. In the last twelve years, the price of bread has more than quadrupled yet there has been no "inflation". Today's inflation numbers, released by the government, are ...
Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement
- Skracor247 commented Apr 29, 2020
What this really means is that Deflation is continuing unabated. Their programs are still necessary to keep the dollar liquid enough to prevent total financial collapse. They have not found a way to stop printing after twelve plus years... They paid ...
Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement
- Skracor247 commented Apr 10, 2020
This article seems a little late. Deflation has been happening in the financial world for a while now...
US: Deflation on its way
- Skracor247 commented Apr 8, 2020
I guess it is Biden then? Or will Cuomo step in to steal the nomination? Either way, I think we will see Trump get reelected. An observation based on previous election cycles and the tendencies of the American voting base.
Bernie Sanders drops out of the presidential race
- Skracor247 commented Apr 8, 2020
Don't forget at least 100 others. Why don't we talk about them? Because they no longer exist. Ever hear the phrase, "A quart of wheat for a days wage!"?
Mnuchin: the government won't run out of money for small businesses
- Skracor247 commented Apr 8, 2020
And you are quite correct. Toilet paper is still scarce even though there is no shortage. Really truly this is no joke!
Mnuchin: the government won't run out of money for small businesses
- Skracor247 commented Apr 8, 2020
Too late... They will have to pass another bill. A small business owner I know talked with a local banker. Half the money was gone before the program even opened. The banker was hopping mad as the program forces the loan officers to police the loans ...
Mnuchin: the government won't run out of money for small businesses
- Skracor247 commented Apr 1, 2020
They do, right into salt domes for storage.
Crude Inventory +13.8M Barrels vs +3.92M Expected
- Skracor247 commented Mar 22, 2020
Agreed. I would think that this being an election year would motivate more cooperation. As it stands, the longer the delay in helping the people the worse the effect on the economy will be.
US Senate COVID-19 Bill Fails To Clear First Procedural Hurdle
- Skracor247 commented Mar 22, 2020
I mean this could hurt the citizens.
US Senate COVID-19 Bill Fails To Clear First Procedural Hurdle
- Skracor247 commented Mar 22, 2020
This could hurt if they don't act.
US Senate COVID-19 Bill Fails To Clear First Procedural Hurdle
- Skracor247 commented Mar 22, 2020
As long as the PetroDollar is in existence the Dollar will be in demand. HyperInflation is mitigated by demand. If they get rid of the PetroDollar then the inflation will show itself with a vengeance.
The Fed will make up to $4 trillion in loans to businesses to rescue economy, Mnuchin says
- Skracor247 commented Mar 20, 2020
We all know it is going to shrink. How can people spend money if they are supposed to go to work only? How can you stay employed if people are not buying your goods and services? This is a wacky situation.
Goldman Sachs now says US GDP will shrink 24% next quarter amid the coronavirus pandemic
- Skracor247 commented Mar 20, 2020
The more of these measures they take the more I am convinced there is a banking crisis going on behind the scenes we are not being told about.
Coordinated central bank action to further enhance the provision of U.S. dollar liquidity
- Skracor247 commented Mar 19, 2020
I am not worried about the virus 'killing us all'. It is the economic instability that will cause the most damage to our current way of living. I don't want anyone to die, ever. If the banks can find a way to rebalance this economic earthquake I ...
In response to virus, Bank of England cuts main rate to 0.1%