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- simonb replied Jul 25, 2014
Moving right along then... video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- simonb replied Jul 25, 2014
Every move Magix makes is brilliant video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- simonb replied Jul 24, 2014
I get the feeling it's going to be a wild August video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- simonb replied Jul 22, 2014
Well I'm just saying... Dude should stick to demo!
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- simonb replied Jul 22, 2014
No because what ever differences there are, just represent a different game. What ever advantages are offered to you by the other side of the fence your competition (the curve) also share these advantages.
Are forex traders at a disadvantage compared to equity traders?
- simonb replied Jul 22, 2014
This trader should stick to demo. image video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- simonb replied Jul 18, 2014
That should do it ... video G/L
What kind of music you hear while you trade?
- simonb replied Jul 18, 2014
Well to most randomness signifies a lost cause so of course they will fight the notion.
Do you believe this market is random?
- simonb replied Jul 17, 2014
Why must you always forget my Sydney username Hilar (da Killa ) video
What kind of music you hear while you trade?