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- 13 Results (11 Replies, 2 Comments)
- chriseel replied Mar 18, 2023
video You know the drill
Extracted Thread (per thread starter's request)
- chriseel replied Mar 10, 2023
Fun with chatgpt
Extracted Thread (per thread starter's request): -is pi normal? Pi is believed to be a normal number, but it has not been proven yet. A normal number is a real number whose digits in any base b are distributed uniformly and randomly in the sense that each digit appears ...
- chriseel replied Feb 3, 2022
Maybe thats why in real life Vikings used a little extra, just to keep their energy unredistributed for a bit longer url url
Is demo a step before real trading?
- chriseel replied Jan 14, 2022
How can a black or white, yes or no, "Newtonian" thinking mind perceive the grey, constant buy and sell, probabilistic state of price? Its really obvious, but it isn't.
(binned per thread starter’s request) The 80-20
- chriseel commented Mar 24, 2015
For sure not in Greece. When Greek politicians got bribed to close several deals, who was their supplier? Who sold them military, medical or other equipment? Do you know of any Greek multinational corporate?
Soros Says Greece Now Lose-Lose Game After Being Mishandled
- chriseel commented Mar 16, 2015
And then what headline story will manipulate the market? Hello 1.6 E/U
Germans Tired of Greek Demands Want Country to Exit Euro
- chriseel replied Jul 31, 2012
Hello, i have a live account with Lmax. Today i had a buy order on USDJPY at 78.040, but it didnt trigger. Price feeds from different brokers show price below .04 Do you think for any reason this could be concerning?
LMAX = revolution?!?
- chriseel replied Apr 13, 2012
I think is up to 50k for investments, but of the initial deposit or the running sum?
LMAX = revolution?!?
- chriseel replied Apr 13, 2012
Hello, i consider going live with Lmax, my only concern is about funds safety. IMHO fscs registration doesn't offer adequate assurance. Can someone explain the risk for a broker of Lmax's standards to bankrupt?
LMAX = revolution?!?
- Posts by Trader Search: 'chriseel'