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- jaboo replied Jul 22, 2016
Hey community, Its been a while since i've posted. Got out of trading when I started school so its been a minute. Either way I'm back and using my tech skills to help create tools for trading. My most recent program extract data from the PMI report ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- jaboo replied Jul 22, 2016
Hey community, Its been a while since i've posted. Got out of trading when I started school so its been a minute. Either way I'm back and using my tech skills to help create tools for trading. My most recent program extract data from the PMI report ...
- jaboo replied Nov 12, 2012
supply and demand. recipe for a range. this 40 pip range good to see who wins the battle and trades placed after that.
- jaboo replied Feb 29, 2012
i understand. I was assuming u use the 4 hour chart. anyway gl on the long. still short atm, hope to join u in the long later.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- jaboo replied Feb 29, 2012
whats your S/L on that long, if you dont mind me asking?
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- jaboo replied Feb 29, 2012
if you dont mind me asking, how come you are longing now? I had a long from .5879 which i closed 10 minutes ago for +50. Looking at a short term short at the moment. just from the appearence of your long it seemed like you bought the top, whcih is ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- jaboo replied Jan 23, 2012
Hello forum, i asked before but nobody answered :*( who has the most accurate volume for FX. Not including paid services such as e-signal. thank you!
vsa with Malcolm
- jaboo replied Jan 19, 2012
which broker has the most reliable Volume info for day traders?
vsa with Malcolm
- jaboo replied Dec 27, 2010
i want to make sure i understand your question first. Youre asking why after you see the high vol up bar you're wondering why it didnt fall? assuming you took a short under the upthrust and placed your SL above it you would have lost aprox 12 pips. ...
vsa with Malcolm
- jaboo replied Dec 27, 2010
then to answer. its because the area was immediately tested for supply.
vsa with Malcolm
- jaboo replied Dec 27, 2010
Because area approached a lvl where demand was present. Price needs to break below that area and approach on no demand for a high probility short trade.
vsa with Malcolm
- jaboo replied Dec 27, 2010
hey mate, just a quick question, why did you take those short positions in the first place? More importantly, you continued to add positions, which is not wrong if those price levels were part of your trade plan but my guess, and please correct me ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- jaboo replied Dec 23, 2010
I see what youre saying. For me, i would have liked the up bar to be on higher volume only for the next bar to be down. Effort vs result. Approaching the previous supply area on low demand and seeing what else unfolded was enough for my entry
vsa with Malcolm
- jaboo replied Dec 23, 2010
short on GU — had my TP set at .5369. Closed it out roughly 10 pips before that. Got filled at .5424 and closed for +44. happy trading all.
vsa with Malcolm
- jaboo replied Dec 23, 2010
Short on GU — had my TP set at .5369. Closed it out roughly 10 pips before that. Got filled at .5424 and closed for +44. happy trading all.