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- attrium commented Apr 14, 2023
The pair didn't reach the 167 level since December. So, the heck knows what this site talks about.
GBPJPY storms to fresh 3-month high
- attrium commented Jun 18, 2020
Relax, he is just trying to devalue the Swiss Frank. In the pandemic economical downturns as such it is important to weaken the currency in order to be able to restart. Everyone does it...
Willing to intervene further in foreign exchange markets, Swiss National Bank president says
- attrium commented Apr 26, 2020
He is not dead until Wikipedia doesn't pronounce him dead!
N. Korea Dictator Kim Jong-Un Reportedly Dead After Botched Heart Surgery
- attrium commented May 25, 2019
Theresa may's job was actually to push everything out until the EP elections. The UK does not want to exit, but it will depend on who wins the election. If a new government gets to rule, then there will be a deal. If the same incompetent drunks will ...
Goldman bumps up no-deal Brexit odds after May resignation
- attrium commented May 25, 2019
The author could be very wrong in this article and I think his understanding of full employment is not accurate. It is well known in the US that after 6 months of unemployment it does not matter if you get a job or not you are taken off of the ...
The Fed’s bad predictions are hurting us
- attrium commented Apr 14, 2019
LOL... Dumb statements come from dumb people in general.
If the Fed had done its job properly, which it has not, the Stock Market would have been up...
- attrium commented Mar 19, 2019
The final call will be pushed out 'till the elections in Europe. if central Europeans will take over the leadership than there won't be BrExit, if the actual incompetent leadership stays than BrExit it is...
No Brexit extension if simply to gain time: French presidency
- attrium commented Oct 21, 2018
My concern is how safe OANDA will be under the new leadership. How it will affect retail accounts? Should I just pull my funds and run?
IIROC approves CVC acquisition of OANDA (Canada) Corporation
- attrium commented Aug 20, 2018
Hahahaha!... Fuckin' idiots...
Venezuela is pegging its economic recovery to a cryptocurrency that's widely considered a scam))
- attrium commented Jul 24, 2018
The higher the leverage, the less margin is taken out of your fund for the specific trade. However, the higher the exposure for the broker to keep you trading. So, if something happens of such magnitude as it happened back in January 2015, then many ...
Europe Starts Countdown to New Forex Regulations
- attrium commented Oct 12, 2017
First of, no I didn't say that all traders are amateur, just usually big mouths like you. Merely a fraction of traders who think that know everything.
Man Sells Everything His Family Owns To Buy BitcoinBut yeah, good luck to you, nobody sais you can't get lucky, though the chances are higher to ...
- attrium commented Oct 12, 2017
The way I see it, it is a virtual currency. You need a computer and internet for it. Merely, what, like 7% of the world's population has access to internet?!... Usually when every amateur is on the market playing the expert is the time when things ...
Man Sells Everything His Family Owns To Buy Bitcoin
- attrium commented Jan 5, 2017
I cannot believe that such crap of an article could come from Bloomberg...
China Ready to Step Up Scrutiny of U.S. Firms If Trump Starts Feud: Sources
- attrium commented Oct 29, 2016
I am afraid there is something not enough understood by Kuroda or the Japanese central bank. Negative interest rates never really helps in inflation targets. Especially not, if peoples spending is not happening, because they are putting the money in ...
BOJ loses bark and bite under humbled Kuroda
- attrium commented Oct 19, 2016
I think the market will go up for another 2 years. The stall right now is coming form the uncertainty of the elections outcome. After the election the ride will hit upwards again... There won't be enough interest rate rise to shake the market. At ...
Dumb chart predicts crash like 1987. Don't be scared
- attrium commented Aug 24, 2016
Leverage doesn't kill accounts. Management does!
FXTM to hike leverage to 1,000:1 for all ECN accounts from September 2016
- attrium commented Aug 3, 2016
I really don't see the point for cutting the interest rate. What for? The pound is cheap already. Besides the BrExit kicks in only two years from now. They might want to see what happens in the next two years and then, if the cheap pound doesn't ...
First UK interest rate cut in seven years expected
- attrium commented Jul 18, 2016
This is a total "try to win over type of article". The kind of commercial crap that one would see at any trade show these days. They are looking for clients, that's for sure. Someone to fool. It's just they forgot to bring the sexy girl into the ...
Why I Switched From Forex To Futures
- attrium commented Jul 17, 2016
Now this Vliegh guy. I've been telling for some time now that the world is full of dumb ass clowns. They are just rising from nowhere like mushrooms...
BOE's Vliegh says there should be an immediate rate cut and further measures