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- aagarcia replied Feb 26, 2017
Sorry, it doesn't work. I entered the password correctly but it still says invalid password.
The 'ONO' EA, Scans for the best of 28 Pairs to Trade
- aagarcia replied Feb 25, 2017
yes that's what I meant, thanks
The 'ONO' EA, Scans for the best of 28 Pairs to Trade
- aagarcia replied Feb 25, 2017
Does the market need to be open? Because I followed instructions step by step and it's not taking my password
The 'ONO' EA, Scans for the best of 28 Pairs to Trade
- aagarcia replied Feb 25, 2017
Very nice of you. I will try it out. Do you attach it to one chart , any timeframe and it trades all 28 pairs?
The 'ONO' EA, Scans for the best of 28 Pairs to Trade
- aagarcia replied Feb 23, 2017
Yes let's see what happened. Please tell us what has happened? Please update us now.
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- aagarcia replied Feb 11, 2017
Thank you. I know exactly what I'm doing and when you use a copier you can adjust the risk you're taking on from the signal provider. Please learn about this. Don't believe the vicious attacks on GB. They are just that- attacks. Nothing more. And ...
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- aagarcia replied Feb 11, 2017
Only in YOUR world does what I said equal the disgusting profane things you said. Truly vile.
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- aagarcia replied Feb 11, 2017
You can't even speak English let alone claim he's a scammer. Ignored.
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- aagarcia replied Feb 11, 2017
That IS a good idea. Makes all the sense in the world. It gets extremely tedious with lazy people as well.
28PAIRS Currency Strength Trading SYSTEM. TRADES and Questions
- aagarcia replied Feb 11, 2017
YES and that's because I started it to expose REAL scammers not idiots like yourself with your back and forth issues with GB. You're just a moron living in his mother's basement with a lot of time on his hands. ENOUGH SAID. You're ignored.
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- aagarcia replied Feb 11, 2017
I'm not a beginner just not ignorant like yourself. I already made profits and withdrawn my investment letting profits run. I ACTUALLY use his service and don't talk rubbish like others who have a personal vendetta
Scammers - Hall of Shame
- aagarcia replied Feb 11, 2017
Because he is making money for his followers and provides good service. Ban the attackers like you is all I can say.
Scammers - Hall of Shame