Is it feasible to extend "zigzag wLabel none" to identify a condition of higher-high-and-higher-low or lower-low-and-lower-high? Traders could use such an indicator to search for the beginnings of trends. A sound and message alert function would ...
Be careful what you wish for. No matter what trading method you use, you should be watching the price series continuously and closely. No watching TV! You will find that adding any kind of automation to an indicator will make you lazy, and you will ...
Ichi and M1 — I use a 9,26,52-period Ichimoku as part of my M1 tool kit. I day trade EUR/USD or EUR/JPY, depending on time of day. I trade breakouts and pullbacks, roughly 1 trade every 3 or 4 hours, although that varies greatly. EMA 20 is my ...
A tisket, a tasket... — It's true that Oanda's kumo is shifted relative to a standard kumo. People have complained about it for years. But not to worry. If you pick a currency pair and time frame and get familiar with that combination, then ...