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- Vanhook2 replied Feb 12, 2011
Agreed — I agree it is not time to go long... BTW, I was talking about the correlation between the G/U & the G/J.
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- Vanhook2 replied Feb 12, 2011
just a heads up — take a look @ the GBP/USD, same time frame
Auslanco - GBP/JPY and GBP/USD (newstrade)
- Vanhook2 replied Dec 14, 2010
You will be O.K., just as long you don't end up like this...
vsa with Malcolmimage
- Vanhook2 replied Dec 13, 2010
Hi all — I was wondering if a few of you would post what you have for the E/U Average Daiy Range (ADR). The reason I ask is, I have 3 ADR indicators all with different values, ranging from 98 to 146. It would be nice to know which is correct. ...
- Vanhook2 replied Nov 16, 2010
You must have just woke up from the last punch on the chin....
Cesarnc's market talk, gossips, rumours & funThe other side has been saying this for about as long as the green side. Search out the reports on the ice core studies that have been done. The climate goes into warming & cooling ...
- Vanhook2 replied Jul 8, 2010
Well, after another up day..... — The A/J Is still showing strength, along with others. Laugh if you want...
vsa with Malcolm
- Vanhook2 replied Jul 7, 2010
Well Malcolmb, at this point in time, I have to agree with you. Per this neat little program, the A/J will go up. So will some others. Here is the link to the instructions & the meter for all. Sorry, I just can't get my head around those little ...
vsa with Malcolm
- Vanhook2 replied Jun 16, 2010
For those who are interested, here in a free link to the book. It is on line #5. It is a 188 page .PDF file. I had no problem D/Ling it. Mal, if you don't want this here, PM me & I'll will remove this post.
vsa with Malcolmurl
- Vanhook2 replied Jun 16, 2010
Now come on Mal, you know better than to do that.
vsa with MalcolmAll the best with the thread, & thanks for the help in the past.
Once again, best of luck, I'll be lurking.....
- Vanhook2 replied Jun 6, 2010
I have a feeling that the technology for a OIL FREE SOCIETY is all ready here. It's just that OIL is to big to fail / do away with. How many billions / trillions of $ does oil generate a year? For many years, I have heard of the oil companies buying ...
Cesarnc's market talk, gossips, rumours & fun
- Vanhook2 replied Jun 2, 2010
legit spike, HA — I have 2 other brokers that I use, they are not showning that spike. FXDD had/has a problem
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- Vanhook2 replied May 7, 2010
PA Tax Nazis Know Who You Are — I looked up & saw this.... video I heard that the Greek Government is doing the same looking for swimming pools.
- Vanhook2 replied May 5, 2010
Do not forget about Spain and the rest (Portugal, Ireland and Italy).