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- Rob Mondave commented Jun 17, 2020
Umm, you mean to write: ...no different ‘from’ some... But people taking an active role is just annoying. Look at the SJWs, everyone hates them except for other SJWs. Would you seriously say that they’re improving our lives right now? No one likes ...
Google bans website ZeroHedge from its ad platform over comments on protest articles
- Rob Mondave commented Jun 17, 2020
Mark Twain wrote, if you don’t read the newspaper you’re uninformed, and if you do read the newspaper you’re misinformed. I choose to simply not pay attention, I get all of the political exposure I want and need from CNBC.
Google bans website ZeroHedge from its ad platform over comments on protest articles
- Rob Mondave commented Dec 19, 2019
Your world-view is driven by pop culture?
Trump is impeached, becoming third US president to face Senate trial
- Rob Mondave commented Sep 13, 2019
Since you read it so thoroughly you’ll have noted that half of her complaints were about men in the office watching porn, which had nothing to do with her except that she accidentally saw it. The rest of it was either he said/she said or just a ...
Sex Jokes and Lost Business Fuel Saleswoman's Fight With Cantor
- Rob Mondave commented Sep 30, 2018
Yikes! It's not as if your facts are wrong, but you did so much bending and twisting I think you're the new world champion contortionist! Was it painful?
Two Myths of the 2008 Meltdown
- Rob Mondave commented Mar 30, 2018
Yeah, I was confused by that, too. What or who is 'noone'?
This 26-year-old makes $500,000 every month playing 'Fortnite' in his bedroom -- here's how he...
- Rob Mondave commented Mar 1, 2018
...you're sure to look smart.
A Word of Caution Before You Jump on Euro or Pound Breaks
- Rob Mondave commented Dec 24, 2017
What a ridiculous article, and there was no place on their website to complain to them. Gold isn't losing its place as a Safe Haven, it's that the global economies are good enough that people aren't looking for a Safe Haven. Maybe it's just me, but ...
Why gold is losing its lustre as an investor safe haven
- Rob Mondave commented Dec 13, 2017
Name two things this president is not... :-) Although I wouldn't mind someone somewhere between this one and the ultra-politically-correct walking-on-eggshells and seemingly-wimpish past president(s).
Democrat Doug Jones wins election as U.S. senator from Alabama. AP race call at 10:23 p.m. EST.
- Rob Mondave commented Dec 13, 2017
But that implies that it's good for a president to pander to his constituents. I didn't vote for this guy (didn't vote for the gal, either), but declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel is very important to me.
Democrat Doug Jones wins election as U.S. senator from Alabama. AP race call at 10:23 p.m. EST.
- Rob Mondave commented Dec 9, 2017
You're full of sophomoric cliches. If you were a grown-up 'and' truly interested in my opinion rather than just looking for fodder for an argument, I would tell you what I think. But alas, you are neither and none.
Trump Tax Plan Worries Europe
- Rob Mondave commented Dec 9, 2017
You sound like a graduate student...
Trump Tax Plan Worries Europe
- Rob Mondave commented Oct 21, 2017
Your logic is a little off. Government spending is something like 20% of our economy, the rest is consumer (~65%) and business (~10%) spending, plus something else which I forget right now. So, of course if a business which constituted 20% of our ...
Here’s the kind of spending that leads to bigger paychecks and a roaring economy
- Rob Mondave commented Oct 21, 2017
Sweden is not a Socialist country, it's a highly-taxed Capitalist country. Examples of of Socialist countries are: The former Soviet Union, the 'old' Cuba, China of the past 80+ years and modern Venezuela. These are neither prosperous nor happy ...
Here’s the kind of spending that leads to bigger paychecks and a roaring economy
- Rob Mondave commented Oct 21, 2017
Correlation does not equal causation, but I'm guessing you know that... If government spending leads to growth then Socialist countries would be wealthy and prosperous. If you're not trolling and you truly believe what you wrote, then what you don't ...
Here’s the kind of spending that leads to bigger paychecks and a roaring economy
- Rob Mondave commented Feb 23, 2017
Hey, I'm insulted! Unless you live in a country like Europe or Japan or something like that, how are you supposed to know that Belgum is actually a place? Geez!
Belgium bans forex and binary options trading
- Rob Mondave commented Feb 9, 2017
They do this in Israel (other countries, too, I guess you know, but I have direct second-hand knowledge of Israel). It has led to tremendous inflation to the point the poorest still can't afford basic necessities. Housing is more expensive than in ...
EBay's founder just invested $500,000 into an experiment giving away free money
- Rob Mondave commented Oct 10, 2016
Yikes! You're being a little bit juvenile about this.
The war against Columbus Day
- Rob Mondave commented Oct 10, 2016
Columbus discovered it for 'us'. And certainly the 'indigenous peoples' weren't/aren't one body of people, because of migrations and wars. They migrated here just as we migrated here, and Columbus Day is honoring the man who discovered it for 'us'.
The war against Columbus Day
- Rob Mondave commented Oct 7, 2016
Pound Futures did the same thing as Spot.
Pound's flash crash baffles the market