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- mubinirl commented Apr 12, 2020
This was 6 hours before this news had broken..
OPEC+ reaches deal to cut oil production: Delegate
- mubinirl commented Apr 12, 2020
Markets have to go up & down for MM's to make money. News are just a trigger to show people that the moves are not manipulated. A deal on oil is imminent!
OPEC Plus Calls For Urgent Sunday Meeting
- mubinirl commented Nov 5, 2017
All power corrupts & Absolute power corrupts absolutely !! Well said though MasterJedi..
Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed, former ministers detained in corruption probe
- mubinirl commented Sep 30, 2016
Hell with this bunch of bankers. Got really shafted today cos of these rumours
French Press "Confirm" Deutsche Bank Near Settlement With US Justice Department
- mubinirl commented Jul 15, 2015
Beleive you and me, its just not the greeks. These zionists want to make every citizen and their central banks their slaves thru debt thru lending of money that never exists. When giving €300B on 2 previous occassions, did they not think if they ...
Greek economy minister says ministers who don't vote today for deal must quit
- mubinirl commented Jul 15, 2015
Economic Terrorism..the title suits them right what the previous greek fin minister had given them. In todays time, they cannot attack & make the greeks their slaves, so they do it this way with the help of their agents (IMF) What sword cant do, ...
Greek economy minister says ministers who don't vote today for deal must quit
- mubinirl commented Jun 30, 2015
And now another breaking news: "Sr Greece off'l denies Tsipras reconsidering Juncker offer" - Spiegel
Sources: Greek govt reconsidering last night's Juncker proposal, which it initially rejected
- mubinirl commented Dec 31, 2012
They do make a good climax out of it. Same as the last time debr ceiling decision.
President Obama to make statement on budget talks at 1:30pm ET
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