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- 16Nov16 replied Mar 19, 2014
neil324, Many thanks for that. Am looking through it today, so hopefully it will give me what I'm looking for. Best of luck.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Mar 18, 2014
Accurate historic data Folks, I was hoping that someone could tell me where I could get accurate historic date for cable on a 15m timeframe going back, say, 10 years or so, and which can be downloaded via Excel. In preference, this would be free, ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 commented Jan 7, 2014
Cat, I can only presume that you cut and paste your reply above (or otherwise you are incredibly knowledgeable and articulate!!); however, it does seem to have a lot of very interesting facts which have given me, for one, pause for thought about the ...
‘Ferocious’ System to Deliver Record-Setting Cold Weather
- 16Nov16 replied Nov 20, 2013
Medium- to long-term view. For the last three and a half years (since June, 2010), Cable has been in a channel, Upper-bounded by 1.6730 and Lower-bounded by 1.4870. As well as these "extreme" boundaries, there are very strong mid-level boundaries of ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Nov 12, 2013
Cable has bounced off the lower range of a clear and strong downtrend going back a couple of weeks at the 1.5855 mark. Will it bounce upwards and break through? It seems that there may now be an upward movment.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Oct 11, 2013
The uptrend that began at the year low in early July is still holding, despite an awful battering. Will it continue or will it collapse in spectacular fashion?
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Oct 9, 2013
Also, the downtrend on a 2-min chart shows that 1.5915-ish mark is at the lower end of the down-channel.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Oct 9, 2013
The trend line that stretches back to July is either going to hold at 1.5915, or fail spectacularly! Given the horror show in the US, coupled with the fact that the UK economy has been upgraded recently by IMF, very possible that this level will ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Oct 3, 2013
Cable is set for a huge spike or a huge fall, IMO. It is currently at the top of a downward channel that stretches back as far as 2009, and is also close to the high point of 2013 (all the way back in Dec. 2012 - which I know is 2012, but the high ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Sep 20, 2013
That was one hell of a week. I ended up being drawn down very substantially after Wednesday's FOMC meeting. However, by compartmentalising the various trades that I had made that day (plus a few over the previous few days), I was able to have an ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Aug 30, 2013
Along the lines of the 7-minute abs being reduced to the 6-minute abs!!
- 16Nov16 replied Aug 14, 2013
I've just been keeping an eye on the EUR/USD, as sometimes it provides some info on possible directions for Cable. I do not understand how anyone trades it, particularly during the summer months. There is NO volatility. It took all day to go up 30 ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied May 24, 2013
Long at 1.50834. SL 1.5070, TP 1.5195. Small trade which is already at BE, as I split the original 1.50834 trade at 1.50966 and used the 50% profit to provide a BE SL. Have now moved SL to 1.50834. If it falls back through this, could keep motoring ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied May 3, 2013
Who saw that coming! USD on a major slide and no amount of good news is going to stop it, it seems.
- 16Nov16 replied May 3, 2013
Who saw that coming!! For some unknown reason, USD is in a major slide and no amount of good news seems to be able to stop!
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Apr 11, 2013
I couldn't agree more. I'd swear that if I really wanted to "move Mr. Market", all I'd have to do is place a trade, put in my SL and then watch it move inexorably towards the SL price!!
Trading EURUSD only
- 16Nov16 replied Mar 15, 2013
That was a hell of a white knuckle ride over the last two days. Had a 30% drawdown at one stage yesterday, but managed to get out at the very, very smallest of profits at 1.5078 yesterday evening. (As you will appreciate, was short.) Today was in ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Mar 1, 2013
Very well put. Profanity never improves an opinion/assertion and more often weakens it to pointlessness. Funny that you should mention Singaporean investors buying London property; that is exactly the business that a friend of mine is in. Good to ...
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Dec 5, 2012
I can't really answer for Forex generally, but if the other pairs are as awful as Cable, then I mean Forex generally!
Cable Update (GBPUSD)
- 16Nov16 replied Dec 4, 2012
Hats off to whoever - if anyone? - is making money in this market.
Cable Update (GBPUSD)