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- 142 Results (1 Threads, 141 Replies)
- spocktrader replied Feb 15, 2018
Sorry, I don't understand. Anyway, I've got no problem with SETTING SL and TP levels but with SEEING them on the chart. And I can't see them on the higher TFs either, if that's what you mean.
Only SELL Scalping (80%+)
- spocktrader replied Feb 15, 2018
One question: I can't see my trading levels (entry, SL, TP) on the chart. Of course, I've checked the "show trading levels" option, and I can also see my trading levels on other charts. However, using this template they disappear. For example, I've ...
Only SELL Scalping (80%+)
- spocktrader replied Oct 12, 2017
One question my friend: is there any particular reason why you're using LWMA20? I mean, why not a vulgar SMA or EMA? I've plotted it over my 15' chart and it coincides nearly exactly with EMA10. So, why precisely LWMA20?
Trading Unbreakable SP3@Rs with LWMA(20)
- spocktrader replied Mar 23, 2017
I doubt this has anything to do with scalping. Daytrading at best. Nice thread though!
Scalping Revival
- spocktrader replied Feb 26, 2017
Here's Lien&Schlossberg's Forex outlook for next week url cheers
Pivot Trading
- spocktrader replied Feb 24, 2017
Is there a news release I've missed that makes USD soar all of a sudden or are all bears gone on weekend vacation Just wondering
Pivot Trading
- spocktrader replied Feb 23, 2017
Today a question was raised as to why AUD's so strong lately. These thoughts are from a blog I follow (marctomarket.com): Australia's government auctioned a record A$1.1 bln of 11-year bonds today, and the demand for the 2.75% coupon was strong. The ...
Pivot Trading
- spocktrader replied Feb 20, 2017
Hey Davit, how are you, my friend, hope your son's doing better. I've been lurking quite some time and am also applying your system. In spite of some promising results, in the beginning I couldn't make it work for me because I traded blindly from ...
Pivot Trading
- spocktrader replied Feb 19, 2017
The fans of Kathy Lien shouldn't miss the weekly outlook that she and Boris Schlossberg publish every Sunday on Pepperstone. You can find next week's forex market review here: url Very good information! Enjoy
Pivot Trading
- spocktrader replied Feb 18, 2017
I adore Richter. My parents took me to an exhibition of his when I was a boy... it was amazing! Can't wait to see the movie
Pivot Trading
- spocktrader replied Feb 17, 2017
Why are you so rude? You don't do fundamental trading... well, that's fine. Just move on, there are plenty of other threads for people like you. No need to bother other people
Fundamental Trading
- spocktrader replied Jul 8, 2016
A good resource is also Marc Chandler's blog: url From the presentation: Marc Chandler has been covering the global capital markets in one fashion or another for more than 25 years, working at economic consulting firms and global investment banks. ...
Pivot Trading
- spocktrader replied Apr 7, 2016
Am I seeing an SHS building up on the Dow (similarly on the S&P)? image
Any Naked Traders in here?
- spocktrader replied Apr 6, 2016
Looks like the latest rallye in Oil is fizzling out. Price doesn't seem to surpass the last high at 37.2. On the 4h a doji is building up and on the 1h a small pin bar is followed by a red engulfing candle indicating that buyers are running out of ...
Any Naked Traders in here?
- spocktrader replied Apr 6, 2016
Don't bother about the bottom. These are indicators I once experimented with and haven't bothered to take them out since then. I think the important thing is the chart itself, which should be clean enough for your liking
Any Naked Traders in here?
- spocktrader replied Apr 6, 2016
Yes, looks like GPB's in for another pounding. I'm short GA from 1.8736 on a SKS 60'
Any Naked Traders in here?